Who is behind Zozan Cudi, the young fighter anti Isis? Certainly a good developer who has crossed the blockchain and platforms whistleblowing to launch an anonymous market where exchange a bit ‘of everything. Maybe even the identity of some terrorist
The woman is Kurdish. It is a guerrilla fighting against Isis. And is the name to get to Darkleaks, a black market where electronic usurps any kind of secret. you say it is the engineer who developed the software, but his twitter profile, @ zozancudi , could be bogus. Behind us was a former Google engineer who already helps OpenBazaar.
Software Darkleaks, which of course is Github , along with Slashdot the largest store in the world of software projects, is steadily improving, but already works, with the goal of allowing anyone to buy and sell state secrets, commercial information, even Hollywood movies before distribution.
The news, almost a Launch without making too much noise, but able to get to those who have to get, was published by medium.com, the self-publishing site created by Evan Williams of Twitter to make room for quality content longer than 140 characters. With a little ‘patience by post (it’s called just that, not “article”), it goes back to the software and its contributors and you find that Zozan Cudi is only the author of the article that talks about Darkleaks and Zozan, beautiful girl in uniform on Twitter, is a sniper Rojava, a body communist militant Kurdish always close to the positions of Abdullah Ocalan, the historic leader of the PKK, the Kurdistan Workers Communist Party.
What is actually the software Darkleaks? Simply is used to buy and sell information anonymously, and no one can stop it . He does bitcoin and using the same technology that has given his statement as criptomoneta, the “block chain”. The block chain is in fact a public register and shared that keeps track of all transactions relating to payments made by the bitcoin, but can be used to do other things, how to build a black market and distributed equally. So the bitcoin block chain – electronic money whose creation in 2009 has been attributed to Satoshi Nakamoto , collective pseudonym of a group of cypherpunks -, has not only solved the problem of double payment to the its appearance prevented the spread of criptomonete, but can serve other purposes, such as those of Darkleaks.
In summary Darkleaks allows trading confidential information based on a mechanism of authentication of documents via blockchain, sold through a particular mechanism cryptographic . The authentication of documents is “acceptable”, and “provable”, according to the creators. Before you pay for the file, some random pieces of paper are released publicly to show that the content of the file is what it claims to be the seller, who can be a leaker, a mole, an official tired of robberies, a clerk subject of bullying, a reporter watched that have identified Darkleaks a tool to blurt out everything to everyone and make profit on it.
The program then uses the technology of Bitcoin to encrypt files that are released in full only when the seller receives payment. In fact, the files are divided into segments and encrypted, and can be fully decrypted with the proper encryption key only after its sale by the leaker once it has been paid. No identity, no operator, no interaction between the leaker and the buyers.
At this point it is interesting to understand who are the authors of the software and what their motives. One option is the statements made by Zozan Cudi who say “we gave the world a new system to sell any kind of information and it is our gift against corruption and power.” But what are these secrets be placed on the market? Commercial and government secrets, patents and industrial designs, pharmaceutical and military projects, software codes with their vulnerability, corporate databases, evidence of corruption and extreme sex of politicians and celebrities. In short, just that information floating in the dark web, well below the tip of the iceberg of the Internet surface that we use every day to browse, search, communicate with the social network. Just try it. Code, to see if it works, is right here.
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