Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Xiaoice: the AI ​​software Microsoft reads live TV news weather – HDblog (Blog)

The investments made by Microsoft in the field of ‘ artificial intelligence and software machine learning are not a mystery, but not (yet) so common to find in their application in areas beyond the terrain of simple concept high-tech, resulting in other undoubtedly the most popular, such as television.

Xiaoice is the name of the machine learning software developed by Microsoft, is presented as the First TV host (virtual) led by AI algorithms . His debut took place during the Chinese program, “Morning News” in which he edited the ‘ corner of the news about the weather.

What you can see in the video below – the language, unfortunately, does not help to appreciate the quality of the performance of Xiaoice – not only introduced a special effect to make more pleasant the ‘exhibition news: the same weather report, in fact, is the result of the analysis of the data stored in the cloud made by Xiaoice. The software also hit for the ‘ accuracy of speech synthesis , which in specific tests on the naturalness of the language, got a score of 4:32 on a scale of 5 (for a benchmark the average score achieved by humans equals 4.76).

Following the video showing Xiaoice work:

Before being used in a television trasmisione, Xiaoice was employed as personal assistant app for advanced messaging and Line wechat, and the social network Weibo. Line in the bot has assumed the features of a character named Rinna, able to respond to user requests in a “smart”, thanks to artificial intelligence algorithms developed by Redmond.

L ‘ debut on TV Xiaoice demonstrates the potential of machine learning software, to be increasingly popular and refined in the coming years.


Accountants: Incoming management software for Orders … – IPSOA Publisher

The initiative of CNDCEC –


 The National Council of Accountants, as of January 2016, will provide Orders territorial management software for the performance of the Secretariat. The application will allow you to manage the activities related to the keeping of, vocational training and the management of dues.


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You are receiving a management software for the activities of secretary by Orders territorial of Chartered Accountants and accountants . This was announced by the CNDCEC with an information circular issued on December 24 last year which states that as of January 2016, the National Council will provide 144 territorial Associations a special software for the management of activities related to the keeping of , vocational training and the management of dues.

The software, already used by some Orders territorial, is characterized by ease of use and the ability to communicate directly with the CNDCEC, allowing you to reduce paperwork in place.

The software will be made available free of charge of the associations concerned.

By the Editors

Copyright © – All Rights Reserved

CNDCEC, note 24/12 / 2015, n. 108



Monday, December 28, 2015

Samsung: too much attention to hardware and poor care of the … – TecnoAndroid



Samsung would be too careful of their hardware devices, instead of in the software side.

The Korean giant produces each year from the smartphone and phablet hardware features worthy of the best terminals on the market.

In most cases unfortunately, much of the potential a well-equipped device is lost due to poor (or no) optimization software.

A former executive of the Korean giant, has expressed his views on strategy company, trying to explain the poor results that the Korean giant has reached in 2015.

According to the former employee, Samsung betting everything hardware believing that it is enough. On the software side, starting from the operating system up all’applicazioni, is overlooked a lot.

The opinion of the former Samsung executive has been further confirmation of a reality that all fans of technology (and owners of terminals of the company) know.

However, the Korean giant is trying to fix its shortcomings software by implementing new strategies. A concrete example is the help of Google to create the next version of the user interface TouchWiz. Rumors report that will be even faster and smoother than iOS.

In addition, the beta Update to Android Marshmallow can be tested by testers outside, ready to give opinions and tips.

Probably, Galaxy S7 will be the result of the efforts of Samsung in the field of optimization software.



New software updates Samsung Galaxy J5 and other (28 … – KeyforWeb

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Saturday, December 26, 2015

Samsung has recently focused on software – AndroidWorld.it

Andrea Centorrino

It’s no secret that the profit margins of Samsung They are shrinking, but why? Competition from Chinese manufacturers is only part of the answer: the cause would be found in the ingrained culture of the hardware within the company, at the expense of the software.

Some former managers and employees Samsung would reveal, anonymously, some truths on company operations: the management does not “understand” the software, and seeing that good or bad hardware products are appreciated by the public, focus on those .

Services such as messaging platform ChatON , and one for video distribution Milk , they have closed down after a lukewarm public response, but also because of a clumsy attempt of the company to promote them and support them.

READ ALSO: Samsung working on a new voice assistant based on S-Voice?

An example of this disruption is reported by a former employee, who at the time of the development of Galaxy S4 was working on the creation of a software system to control the terminal “hands” in the same period , another team was busy developing a competitor, then diluting the workforce with superfluous activities , which would easily been able to converge into a single project.

Samsung is not the first company to suffer from these problems: just think of the difficulties faced by HTC , Nokia and BlackBerry in the same field. Pay with Samsung and the platform IoT smarthings something seems to have changed, but it will be enough?

SAMSUNG not miss

Check out the offer of all Samsung products: smartphones, tablets and smartwatch.

Via: Phone Arena Source: Reuters


The crisis of Samsung could result from poor optimization … – Everything Android

The crisis in the sector Mobile Samsung might be the result orientation of the company management to the short term . The Korean giant has always been interested in offering the market the best hardware of time without adequately treat the software . It follows an issue of customer loyalty, resulting from the lack of integration and optimization of hardware and software.

devices Samsung , especially in recent years have acquired characteristics Premium in all respects. Just think of the last top of the line , built in glass and aluminum, powered by a hardware stratospheric. The problem is that the TouchWiz with several software and app connected, are underdeveloped in comparison to the competition, mainly representing the other largest market players , that which marks its devices with the bitten apple.

According to the latest data of TrendForce , the South Korean manufacturer quest ‘ year will sell as many as 100 million devices in more than Apple but its market share is likely to fall below 20%. The Mobile division in the first nine months of the year, accounted for approximately 39% of the total profits of the company, compared with 68% in 2013.

The sales in the current year have been driven mainly by the medium range -low , although the company this year launched smartphones very valid as Galaxy S6, S6 edge, S6 edge + 5 and Notes . From the rumors that emerged from former employees Samsung , the problem, as previously mentioned, is inherent in the orientation of top management toward the short term.

 JK Shin, head of Samsung Mobile Communications, Introduces the New Samsung Galaxy S4 the mobile phone at Radio City Music Hall in New York, NY, Thursday, March 14, 2013. Photograph: Victor J. Blue

Without an adequate development of the software it is difficult to retain customers; the only feature really useful in this respect seems to be Samsung Pay. However a simple payment method can not be a reason important enough to tack consumer preferences towards a long term trust. The low end of Samsung is reporting numerous problems optimization software that bring the device to limit usability in a few months after purchase.

The change in the leadership took place some time ago it might suggest a change in strategy. Just Dongjng Koh was the one who encouraged the development of Samsung Pay. What you need to Samsung to return to the power of a time is a strategy of customer loyalty, with a long-term orientation focused on software, not considered a pure marketing tool as happened so far . The best hardware on the market alone is not enough.



Friday, December 25, 2015

Thousands of prisoners freed by software bugs – Macity (Blog)

An error in the software to a prison in Washington has released 3,200 detainees; unacceptable to the local governor.

Free yourself to a software bug. It happens to thousands of prisoners in the state of Washington, as reported by the editors of Ubergizmo, who saw to open the doors of their cells in disbelief, even if only for a system error.

For the more seemed too good to be true, and in fact it could be an early Christmas present. It was an error in the software that controls the entire penitentiary, as explained by the governor Jay Inslee. All it born in 2002, when it starts a special program that allows inmates to reduce their prison sentence in exchange for participation in events of rehabilitation. Certainly an interesting initiative, which has never worked because of the numerous defects in software, which managed the accreditation of investments at various detainees. Since 2012, in fact, was recognized a malfunction in the management of credits, never repaired for lack of time or funds.

And so, in recent days about 3200 detainees have seen open up the doors of their cells, then off to see the hope of freedom soon after. It ‘was the governor Jay Inslee to order the blocking of many releases, because due to simple software error. Obviously, the news was also accompanied by statements of the same Inslee, who said he was disappointed by the program management riabilitatiti, reiterating that it is absolutely unacceptable not correct this issue for 13 years.

 software bug


The blind, the software can help Soundsight Training – Planet News

Soundsight Training is a highly innovative start-ups, which has developed a very exciting project with students of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and the CERN in Geneva.

The small start-up has in fact developed a software that would ‘give sight to the blind’ with sound, using a technique that can also be adopted by the able-bodied to increase self-perception of the environment. This is the echolocation.

The project Sounsight Training promises to come to the aid of all the blind subjects to the extension of hearing abilities made through a technological support to help blind and visually impaired to distinguish contours , sizes and shapes of the surrounding reality.

Of course, as with all projects, funds are used and in fact Soundsight Training has recently landed on the platform Kickstarter crowfunding, within which it is possible to make donations of any entity: the target figure is 250,000 euro.

“If all goes according to plan – explains Irene Lanza , 25, a student of engineering management from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and councilor in Rio Saliceto with delegation environment and youth policies – from 2017 the software will be free and open source. Today in the world there is’ a wide availability of technology, which is used primarily for entertainment. Our goal is, faithful to the Treaty of Marrakech, promote circulation and dissemination of accessible books. Currently the blind have access to a percentage of books estimated at between 1 and 5% of those on the market. “

Add to Flipboard magazine.


Thursday, December 24, 2015

Soundsight training, software that could help blind … – InfoOggi

REGGIO EMILIA, Dec. 24 – comes from Reggio Emilia the latest challenge to “give back” sight to the blind. Irene Lanza, young CEO of the start-up “Soundsight Training” , has developed a virtual reality acoustics that will allow blind people to train their ears to perceive and identify objects. The software Soundsight Training, free and open source, made from ‘ University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in collaboration with CERN in Geneva , simulates the interaction of sound with different scenarios, giving an opportunity to not blind to learn how ecolocalizzarsi space.


The software will thus improve the perception of the environment itself in blind subjects. As explained by CEO Irene lanza, SoundSight System enables you to train your ears to perceive and identify objects even up to “to be able to shoot at goal or score a free throw in basketball.” “Right now -prosegue the Lanza we work on a demonstration prototype already tested by blind that can be used with a regular computer.”


The prototype of the software is ready and will be online by next Monday, the platform Kickstarter , a campaign crowfunding with the aim of collecting the € 250,000 needed to develop it and make it accessible to all.


[photo: abruzzo.tv]


Antonella Sica


Software AG Leader in Magic Quadrant for Integrated IT Portfolio … – Data Manager Online



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Shelfware here is how to avoid buying unnecessary software or … – Digital4

   zoom Buy software and then not use it is a growing phenomenon in companies and has a name: it is called shelfware. According to the latest research it is the 28% of organizations to know what that means. A study published in January 2015 by Osterman Research, in partnership with Trustwave, pointed out that the panel interviewed claims to be unable to get the full value from their investment than software security issues.

 The report tells how one of the main reasons that give rise to shelfware, in 19% of cases there is the inadequacy of the IT departments that often do not have enough knowledge to implement the software purchased and that is why ultimately remain unused.

 For this the shelfware is a problem that plagues the government but also the IT teams that are the cause. Burdened by overworked, in fact, the IT staff, especially those made by a few people, they can not manage inventory application , responding as needed in a rather programmed. Another reason that adds to the problem of shelfware is the presence in the company of several departments that buy software to perform the same tasks, without notifying the other business components.

 There is, therefore, a way to avoid filling the shelves of IT software that never ever will be used, reducing and possibly eliminating this wasteful spending?

 Shelfware goodbye: 3 best practice not to be forgotten …

  1) It seems trivial, but the first good rule to avoid shelfware is to limit and buy only what you really need. If a company is undecided whether or not to buy a product that could be used, but perhaps for the moment they can still do without, then much better to postpone the decision when it is 100% safe purchase. In summary: if you are not sure that they need a product, do not buy it.

  2) If you want a product, but have not yet determined the actual need, it’s time to implement a Proof of concept (POC), or to draw up a document It highlights the potential of the product or service, confirm whether it can really be used for the intended purposes. Only if your company has plenty of cash, or use people whose job is to carry out research on security products to determine which is best for the company, the rest of the grounds are at risk irresponsible waste, due to the purchase of a product that could be answered on a shelf forever, rimaendo unused.

  3) Another tip to remember is to buy only the products that you are actually able to use. In Osterman Research, 35% of companies surveyed admitted that the IT staff was too busy in the activities of implementation of a new security product. The impulsive purchase so there seems to be limited to the retail consumer. Many businesses are often influenced by powerful marketing campaigns, and sometimes react by purchasing a product that becomes Fashion , maybe because it was used to solve the recent violations of corporate networks highly publicized by the mass average. This scare campaign that, often unintentionally, creates anxieties in companies, especially when it comes to data security, drives many of them to buy a reactive , for what appears to be the right product to dispel these fears. Patience then if the IT staff already has many products simililari and does not have enough time to implement it.

 … + 1: do not buy just to spend

  Many security team have the dilemma of having to spend the remaining funds of the budget allocated for that year, they do not know if these inventories of money will be added to next year’s budget, or worse fear that funding available for the new year will be reduced accordingly based on the savings of ‘ last year. The result of this lack of information is that these departments security people buy products just for the sake of spending in toto the budget that has been allocated. Buy just to spend, however, clearly it is never a good strategy from the economic point of view. In fact, many companies choose Application Performance Management solutions to optimize its governance . Companies should always keep an eye on bundled products. A common reason that generates shelfware is that software can be bundled with the purchase of another product from the same manufacturer that, for commercial reasons, wanted to give the program as an incentive to the sale. This security software, maybe identified as a primary need, may already be present in the company and, therefore, even if offered at a discount or even free ends up being left on the shelf, without his presence (probably double ) the company has a complete sense.

 The best way to mitigate the problem of shelfware, always, is to implement a process of centralized procurement. All purchases software, the license renewals or at least those that involve a cash outlay, must be subjected to strict procurement procedures that respond to the following questions:

  •   What product safety buy?

  •   Why buy it?

  •   How to buy it?

  •   What is the purpose?

  •   What is the purpose of your purchase?

  •   How much?

  •   The purchase agreement allows an annuity investment?

  •   Where can it be purchased?

  •   What sources are available for this product?

  •   What is the risk to buy than not to buy it?

  •   What are the advantages?

  •   What is the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) of this product?

 Centralizing purchases and inventories do frequent

 A process of centralized procurement is vital to keep track of all purchases that a company makes. Ensures the individual departments not only the targeted purchase of security software that should not be at odds with company standards, but also that these products are covered by a single agreement with the supplier, and to require a business justification to proceed to the first ‘purchase.

 Before making large purchases companies should seek information on the vendor and product information, request an offer and, if necessary, request a quote. Suppliers should be chosen for their fiscal soundness to the independent reviews of their software products and for references and practices that can offer procurement. It would also be desirable, an inventory of the software in the company. The document to be drawn up should include the following items: product name, manufacturer, model, version, the department where it will be used and position on the shelf. Finally, a vendor management and an independent asset inventory should be done every three / six months, to ensure that the procurement process is working effectively. Working groups or individual users can still purchase software outside of this process , but explicitly request to the latter, they have available budget to buy products, to undergo this process of centralized procurement, will greatly reduce the problem of shelfware.


Italian companies invest in software, not in e-commerce – Digital4

   zoom How much are really spread the modern digital technologies in Italian companies? One answer comes from ‘ Istat, that has just released a special research on companies with at least ten employees, so even small-medium ones. The picture that emerges is mixed results: the Internet now seems to be indispensable, so much so that in 2014 98.2% of these companies possessed a Internet connection (96.8% in 2013). 95.0% of companies connected to the Internet in fixed and mobile broadband (94.8% in 2013). The use of mobile broadband is clearly growing, so to be involved in 2014 60.0% of companies (49.8% in 2013).

 A testament to the culture of work in mobility now you are imposing, 66.8% of companies (up sharply from 53.1% in 2013) said they have provided to their employees mobile device, such as computer or smartphone with mobile connections for business purposes. Percentages are less striking, however, for a number of other items: a business website is in fact used by 69.2% of companies with at least 10 employees (88.9% among those with 250 or more employees).

 But only 31.8% of companies (51.9% among those with 250 or more workers) makes use of social media (24.7% in 2013). Then does not mark a particular increase the percentage of companies involved in electronic commerce: in 2013 were 42.5% versus 44.4% in 2012. Among other things, Istat are increasing as companies that sold on- line their own products or services (by 7.6% in 2012 to 8.2% in 2013), while they declined even those who bought on the web (41.7% in 2012 and 39.6% in 2013). Even on the delicate issue of electronic invoicing, of which so much has been spoken in recent months, , the picture is positive only half: just 8.2% of businesses say to invoice only in hard copy to other companies or to the PA, but is still low, the percentage of enterprises that use e-invoicing in a format suitable for automatic processing (5.4%), while it is very common digital billing not suited to automatic (56, 7%).

 On the other hand, research Istat reports a constant growing interest of our companies in the software, for example the presence of the CRM has increased from 13.3% in 2009 to 23.1% in 2013, up to achieve a remarkable 28.2% in 2014. It also significantly increased the spread of software for automatic sharing of information between different functional areas of the company (ERP) , which rose from 9.7% in 2009 to 27.2% in 2013 to 37.2% in 2014.

 The Institute of Statistics, finally, notes a very high circulation tools cloud computing, or rmai used by 40.1% of companies over 10 employees, with particular attention to cost savings and efficiency improvements. However, 12.2% of companies use exclusively in the cloud email services. The cloud computing services purchased most frequently are, in order, e-mail (which employs 34.5% of companies), the use of office software (16.5%), the use of application software for finance and accounting (13.4%), services of file storage (12.7%), database hosting company (11.1%) and CRM software applications (5, 8%) and the use of computing power to run software of the purchasing company (3.2%). It is interesting to note also that, for the moment, the mode of public cloud appears to predominate: 28.2% of companies was in fact from providers that offer such services using shared servers, compared with 14 , 4% who chose the private cloud.


Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Use a software bug has released early from prison … – euronews

For thirteen years from the prisons of the State of Washington I have left at least 3,200 inmates before they have finished serving their sentence. Due to a software error management, in their case they were computed reduction of sentences greater than those due. The Governor assured that all detainees will discount their sentences in full.


Error in the software that counts worth: more than 3 thousand prisoners … – Rai News

This was revealed by the Governor of the State of Washington, Jay Inslee. The flaw in the computer system was present at least since 2002

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More than 3,000 prisoners were released in advance to a miscalculation in the state of Washington, in the Northwest of the United States, over the last 13 years. This was revealed by the governor Jay Inslee.
Error, and ‘was explained, and’ had the software to count the good conduct and was raised by the family of one of the detainees, who had warned the administration that their Joint was released from prison ahead of time. “And ‘deeply disappointing that a problem of this type has been ignored for 13 years,” said Governor Inslee.
Now the case will be the subject of an investigation and until the software is correct, is expected in early January, the count will be done by hand.
