"The spread of free software is inexorable. In a few years - said Old Leonardo, candidate of the Movement 5 Stars - migrate to free operating systems based on Linux, it has become very easy. It can be done, with the right precautions, so free and easy. In the evening entitled "FREE SOFTWARE IN Emilia Romagna" is said of the point in the program's regional M5S pointing to the migration of the Public Network to free software, consistent with national laws and CAD (Digital Administration Code), which favor the spread of open source (open source, not necessarily free), but also with the choice made by our region, leaving the Microsoft Office package for version Open-Office. It is a first small step in the right direction. The offices of the Regional will operate, within the meaning of 'art. 68 CAD, no longer bear the costs of proprietary licenses from Microsoft. But the road ahead is still very long. The beginning of the evening was devoted to the issue of software freedom in terms of ethical, philosophical, and cultural. The great Richard Grosso started from the beginning, pointing out that the software is by men. Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Richard Stallman and Linus Torvalds conceived, according to visions that are very different, the basics of digital knowledge. While the famous Jobs and Gates have made incredible profits in selling their products all over the world, Stallman and Torvalds are given other objectives, non-profit, sharing an open mind for everything: hardware, operating system and software.
M5S proposes to migrate operating systems and free programs, free and open. In 90% of cases, what you can do with a proprietary software program, you can do usandone another under GNU GPL (General Public License, laid by Stallman). Browse the internet, send and receive mail, you can create documents with various free applications. Without exceptions, the PA, the PCs are used for these purposes generalists. So why the community must continue to pay licenses if you can help it? Why give up a savings for the country, an estimated 675 million Euros per year? On a regional scale, in proportion to population, it would save 45 million. The benefits to the community would be enormous. A PA that uses proprietary software forces anyone relations with it, and in particular SMEs, to do the same. However, with the implementation of our proposal, companies could save money and ensure levels of safety and stability that only offer open codes. In addition, it would be possible to exchange open software between different PA, which is prevented by proprietary licenses. Of course there are critical factors. Migration must be gradual, its shared project. In addition to the many successes, there are also failures, perhaps caused by poor planning. Someone is legally dubious ads in front of those who have chosen to come back. Do not forget that the interests at stake are enormous. To cite only a few cases, the Italian school of the Province of Bolzano, as evidenced by the intervention of Professor. Pasquali, adopted free software, and is investing in training the savings on licenses. This will allow a steady reduction in spending when the training is over. In the same vein, one considers the cases, which differ from the municipalities of Parma, Turin, Udine, Modena, Empoli, Roma and others, where often through the motions M5S you are doing migration projects. Italy is certainly not cutting edge: we have laws and sneaky that simply encourage the adoption of free software, more words than in deeds. But if we look to other countries, such as France, Brazil, China itself, we find that the operation is sustainable and truly collective interest, not just economic. Do not forget the lesson Stallman: "Open Source is more than just an operating environment, open source, free and extremely versatile. It 'a culture and a way of life. " The M5S is ready to share this proposal with the free software community, in order to start a project open, transparent and constantly monitored. Again, we put ourselves at the disposal of every citizen that is activated to protect the Commons, in which they are to encompass the knowledge and software. "
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