Available OmniGraffle 6.1, a new version of the application to create diagrams, maps, organizational charts. It is compatible with Microsoft Visio 2013 and now incorporates new features. Costa EUR 89.99 on the Mac App Store
OmniGroup released OmniGraffle 6.1, a new version of the application that allows you to create advanced charts and diagrams. The software, remember, allows you to create diagrams quickly by dragging shapes onto the drawing page. You can add data, themes, backgrounds, titles; You can create flowcharts, timelines, organizational charts, plants, strututre, specific elements for the design of networks, databases, facilities and much more. The update improves support to the Inspector, now completamemte customizable. It has also integrated a switch to quickly switch between sidebar, inspector and palette also allows different groups to create custom elements. There are also new options for drawing lines with riempiento effects and blending. The “Pro” version supports files in Visio format, the format in 2013 (vsd, .vdx, .vst,. vtx, .vss, and .vsx) is writable with AppleScript, provides tools for importing documents in Xcode supports SVG, takes into account the levels of Photoshop files and allows you to create “subplots” (essentially , certain sections can be reduced or collapsed allowing you to more comfortably handle complex documents). OmniGraffle 6.1 requires OS X 10:10 and is priced at € 89.99 on the Mac App Store.
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