Here we are again talking about Free Software and computer security and the relationship that exists between these two things apparently distinct. We do this by taking a cue from the recent release, which took place in late July, the new release of BackBox Linux, now in version 4.3.
We spend a few words to describe this project , all Italian, who has quickly become one of the major GNU / Linux distributions in the world in the field of information security.
A demonstration of this is enough take a look at the statistics compiled by DistroWatch where, among the most downloaded distributions at the time in the field of security, BackBox is in second place after Kali Linux.
But as we shall see, there is a big difference between BackBox and Kali Linux , the latter being developed distribution with the sponsorship, so to speak, of a private company while BackBox is entirely managed by an international community.
So we took a chance and had a chat with some members of the staff and the community to which we asked to describe BackBox and this is what they told us.
BackBox is a GNU / Linux based on Ubuntu designed to run tests to determine the level of security of a system, perform Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Assessment.
Born from the idea of a single developer, soon he began collecting consensus. This has developed a community made up of volunteers, each with their own work, often in the field of computer security. People who, in the words of one staff member, “devote their free time to create something that can be useful for the entire community and that can be used freely by all” .
BackBox was created to provide a distribution dedicated to security extremely flexible and powerful, with a complete desktop manager and at the same time minimal, with tool checked, classified by function and date. The development tool with stop replicating or functionality of other tools are not included in the next version of BackBox. Also developers BackBox are in constant contact with almost all of the developers tool included and work with them to fix bugs and errors and to ensure that there is continuity in development.
To use the words of one of our interlocutors:” These factors distinguish us and insist to emphasize that we are not competitors but simply another community, not more and not less. “
From point out finally that the development and integration of various programs within the distribution follows the criteria of the Debian Free Software Guide Lines.
To return to our specific topic, leave the word to the children of BackBox.
What is the Your interest in the Free Software and Open Source?
More than an interest is a passion I would say. We have a huge passion for the Free Sofware, simply for the 4 freedoms on which it bases (see Free Software. Thanks to the four freedoms we all community we can share our ideas and apply them freely and publicly BackBox the project and at the same time allow others exactly the same privileges. In fact, anyone can take BackBox and modify it to your liking. So the motivating factor goes beyond the interest, born from a passion and above all a fundamental principle that is freedom. To be more precise, it is the charm of the freedom given by the Free Software that attracts us, then everything else comes with its advantages and so on.
What do you think is the interaction between Free Software, Open Source and security?
The Free Software and Open Source have brought a huge contribution in the security world. They have created an ocean of experience giving the opportunity for anyone to participate. By releasing the code they have allowed those who had something to say to say to the entire world. We call it democracy in the network.
All those involved in computer security, professionals or ordinary people, can safely testify and confirm that the instruments of the Software Free and Open Source are daily bread for their analyzes thanks to the quality and reliability demonstrated.
Just take a stroll on the internet and look for the top security tools. We took a tour and the first site that we happened is sufficient for you to take a look in the standings. All the tools are listed popular Open Source and obviously what I explain the interaction between the open source and security.
Even the proprietary tools, but if go to see them in reality are born from some projects Free Software and Open Source and despite code locked participate actively in the community of Free Open Source because they know the quality and the potential of the environment.
We can say that Free Software and Open Source are the perfume of life of the security.
How important it is the Free Software and Open Source security and why?
Free Software and Open Source are an important if not essential in the world of security. A code in constant development, day and night, 24/24, 07/07 and 365/365 with the contribution of hundreds of thousands of brains in the world can only be critical, I would say essential for safety.
Finally, because BackBox is released under GNU General Public License?
Why simply we are a community and we believe that knowledge It should not be owned by a few, but can become the heritage of the community. Knowledge must be shared, for us the sharing of knowledge is an essential tool of freedom, even to allow everyone to protect themselves, when they have both the knowledge and the necessary tools.
Create a free system and make it available to the public has other advantages as to make it more secure, efficient and powerful simply because being public, anyone can detect imperfections or provide suggestions to perfect and improvements can be applied and reported by everyone, not only by the team of BackBox.
This is just a sense of community and sharing of knowledge.
Paul Gardens
Paul “aSpy” Giardini, Director of OPSI, National Observatory Privacy and IT Security, organ of AIP (Association of Information Technology Professionals, for which he also holds the post of Policy Officer) is responsible for over twenty years of Information Security, Privacy, Computer Forensics and Open Source, by conducting analysis and advice and giving courses and seminars in Italy and abroad.
He works as a technical consultant to the (CTP) and Technical Consultant d ‘Office (CTU) at various public prosecutors’ offices and courts. In his free time to the organization that created the hacker game, “CAT – Crack At the Treasury”.
Tags: BackBox, open source, Pick
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