Thursday, August 20, 2015

Italian detective “do it yourself”: flying sales of software spy – Courier Communications


 E ‘increasingly common in Italy the audience of people who use “ spyware “, smartphone or PC, to control the moves of its competitors on the work, their employees, or family to monitor in real time what do the partners or children. “They are the little brothers of ‘ Galileo ‘, the program became famous after the attack on the Hacking Team – says AGI Francesco Polimeni , an expert in security and surveillance systems, and responsible for Polinet – The ones on the market are on average much less sophisticated but they do their job very well. “

 “The online dissemination of the source code – he added – has allowed a myriad of small companies producing improvise and to flood the network offers, in some cases downright cheap: on the internet, with the help of any engine research, if they can find of ‘made in China’ to 2-300 euro although the most reliable arrive to four to five times longer and the average cost of a good product, stood at 700 “.

 But no one bought the program provides installation service: “The law, in fact – says Polimeni – tolerates the sale of these products but specifically prohibits, punishing him with severe penalties, use” . And if one part is to resize the possibility of an installation “at a distance of these software, which in fact would be possible but is primarily used by investigators true, and it is not widespread at the level” amateur “, on the market choice is wide: “It depends on the needs and expectations of customers: those who want a complete monitoring of the phone of the victim must provide prior to what is technically called root, a release procedure that allows you to bypass any restrictions imposed by the operating system and So you install a software certificate. To say it seems complicated, but anyone who has some familiarity with certain equipment can do it with relative ease. “

 The function of these programs is simple: with the installation “opens a ‘door’ on the phone, you do a virtual editing that allows the installation of spy software at which point the customer logs in with your credentials to a website dedicated and is free to monitor text messages, messages, chat, satellite tracking, calls, field recordings “.

 The new frontier, however, is represented by software that “is coming on the market,” says Polimeni. A program that sent with an attachment via email, on a site with an owl or online registration, “will automatically take control of a remote computer. Experiencing even the ‘overseer’ of when it spied on or off your device. Price? No less than EUR 2000/2500 “.

 Among the profiles of those who buy these programs are mostly “companies who want to control their employees or spy on rival companies – says Polimeni – professionals or group practices that want to know whether the member intended to cheat. But among individuals, greater demands of parents who want to know what are their children, who attend, whether they use drugs or other substances. And, of course, husbands who want to control their wives or vice versa: is the new hyper-technological profile of jealousy, which in other countries, I think, for example, England, is assuming alarming proportions. The risks? There are so many. Among others, to burn money without coming to nothing: the myth of e-commerce has convinced many that do business online is extraordinary, and so it happens that you buy inferior products that do not keep their promises “.


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