ENEA get clarification on the use of the SEAS, software for energy audits developed by ‘ ENEA and the Department DESTEC University of Pisa in ‘scope of activities of the Program Agreement between the Ministry of Economic Development (MED) and ENEA Research of the national electricity system.
The software SEAS current distribution is not intended for the preparation of the Energy Performance Certificates. For the EPAs will be available a version of DOCET updated to the new UNI TS 11300 in the month of April.
As for the difficulties encountered in the download the program , these were due to the number of accesses concentrated in a short time and the concomitant difficulty of the system, which caused errors in the download.
difficulties which led the ENEA from swapping to rely on a system that can support a high traffic of users.
The software is now available for download at the link :
The SEAS stands for Software Energy Audit for Simplified need to run Energy audits in residential buildings, offices and schools . Performs the calculation of the needs of energy carriers for heating services (excluding plants Aeraulic), DHW, electricity for lighting and other utilities. Systems using renewable sources are implemented: solar panels, photovoltaic systems, heat pumps, biomass generators. Another routine allows to carry out the cost-benefit analysis of the possible retrofit energy proposed by the auditor.
He was born to spread the practice of energy audits of buildings and check the possibility of containment of energy use through appropriate redevelopment.
Unlike the energy certification, the diagnostic procedure is in fact more accurate, because it takes into account the actual conditions of use of the premises and facilities and the estimated requirements of the various energy carriers are compared with the actual billings energy borne by ‘ users. The software is dedicated to residential buildings, offices and schools, with reference to the winter heating through water systems, domestic hot water (DHW), lighting and other electrical components. [Source: ENEA report www.enea.it]
To deepen : www.efficienzaenergetica.enea.it
We thank Oscar Petriglieri, gentle reader, that put us on track to find the information you were looking for.
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