Through the software and ‘can make the numerical calculation of thermal bridges present in the building envelope. Here is a summary of their characteristics
the Software
that implement the numerical codes have a great
flexibility for the evaluation of the analysis of the detail is
of temperatures of heat flows that lead to
determination of the transmittance
Thermal bridge
Heat Ψ .
Often, however, are difficult to use and require considerable costs
for the purchase of the license. There are also software
totally free, but that do not return directly
desired result; in some cases require additional calculations
in addition to those of the software in order to obtain the transmittance
Thermal thermal bridge.
READ MORE ‘ON THERMAL BRIDGES: How to spot a thermal bridge with thermal imaging;
Evaluation and Classification; discontinuities’ thermal; a practical case of thermal bridge to be corrected;
because it ‘s important to the analysis; correction in new buildings
calculation methods to high accuracy, also known numerical methods,
can be classified into two types: a method to elements
Gone and the method
finite difference .
Both methods provide for a division of the object
calculation considered in small cells (discretization of the model);
in principle, the finer the division (the number of cells
high), the higher the detail resolving or more
accurate results will be. A high number of subdivisions
involves, accordingly, a large number of equations to be solved
as the number of subdivisions is proportional to the number
resolution techniques can be either direct
that type of iterative .
In general many calculation software implementing the second type of
resolution, more suitable for the search of the optimal solution. There
optimal solution identifies the range of temperatures within
object. The temperatures of the cells or subdivisions
obtained from the calculation may be used to assess the
remaining temperatures through interpolation. Consequently may
be evaluated all the incoming and outgoing heat flows for
the object of calculation.
software to calculate the thermal bridges
Europe Software
for the calculation of bridges
thermal must
meet the validation requirements set out in Appendix A
UNI EN ISO 10211. Currently on the market there are various
software validated to this standard are able to analyze and
calculate both a two-dimensional and three-dimensional thermal bridge. Yes
contains a list in table
not exhaustive of the software validated according to EN ISO 10211,
specifying the type of 2D or 3D model, and if you can get
directly to the transmittance of the thermal bridge Ψ .
numerical calculation method adopted by the software for thermal bridges
the use of a software
validated is a necessary condition for evaluating a bridge
Heat in agreement
EN ISO 10211, the result can not be
if they are not properly respected the requirements of the standard.
Generally, the method of calculation should be able to provide the temperatures and
heat flows at each point of the component to be evaluated. Furthermore, the
degree of subdivision of the object (ie, the number of cells, or of
nodes) must be able to be defined by the user (within the limits
the capacity of the machine).
Another requirement of the law is that, with increasing
number of subdivisions, the solution of the method to validate
converges to an analytic solution (if there is a solution). This One
implies that the creation of the model is not trivial, and the result
final may not be accurate as required by law.
The UNI EN ISO 10211 reports that the number of divisions must be
so determined as to minimize the percentage error between two
results of heat flows: the first evaluated with a number of
nodes (for example, “n”) and the second with a given number of
nodes equal to twice (specifically, equal to “2n”). The difference
of the two heat flows calculated must not be greater than 1%
otherwise you must increase the number of subdivisions until
the criterion is not met.
of calculation are implemented so as to allow a subdivision
automatic, while in others the number of nodes is determined
user. In other words, it is sufficient to use a software
numerical calculation to obtain an accurate result, but it is
must use the settings correctly. For this
Therefore, in case where the software makes available a report of
calculation, you need to attach to any of the calculations,
in addition to the coupling coefficient L 2D
or L 3D ,
the number of divisions, the thermal transmittance Ψ
(Or the punctual X )
and the difference of the residual error as a function of the number of
subdivisions chosen.
About the Author
Kristian Fabbri
Professor of Environmental Technical Physics and Modeling
Behavioural Energy
DA – Department of Architecture, Alma Mater Studiorum University
Bologna, consultant associations
Category New Quasco and Emilia-Romagna in the field of
performance and energy certification of buildings, markets
Environmental and Energy management. He has authored publications
magazines and national and international conferences as well as monograph and
technical manuals.
About the Author
Cosimo Marinosci
researcher of the Department of Industrial Engineering (DIN), School
Engineering and Architecture, Alma
Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, and consultant for NuovaQuasco
Emilia-Romagna region in the field of performance and certification
efficiency of buildings, Expert in Energy Management (EGE) and
on issues relating to energy dynamics simulations
of buildings. He has authored publications in journals that scientifi
national and international.
References Editorials
Thermal bridges in buildings
thermal bridges are one of the most complex in the
assessing the energy performance of buildings. The
volume is a useful and flexible tool for all professionals
construction industry (architects, engineers, surveyors, construction experts and
HVAC), to identify and assess correct discontinuities
heat due to the presence of thermal bridges in buildings.
Authors analyze the causes and types of thermal bridges, describe
the impact on the building and on the indoor thermal comfort (aspects
energy, sanitation, reduction of comfort) and offer
solutions and examples for managing the calculation of thermal bridges and
correction of the critical points to improve the energy efficiency
rich final section of cases and examples clearly explains how
operate efficient interventions for corrections of thermal bridges.
Go deeper theme
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