From Asti the first Italian free software that helps kids with disabilities
It’s called Araword and it ‘was translated and processed dall’informatico Oscar Pastrone
Oscar Pastrone, IT and project manager Radis
Programs that enable people with disabilities to overcome the problems of communication with the outside world, both at school and at home. There are different, but all for a fee. And with cuts in the world riding school, together with the economic problems of a growing number of Italian families, these software are the preserve of those who can afford them. Today is no longer so, thanks to a group of computer experts that implemented Araword Asti, the first free program aimed at players with serious diseases, those suffering from learning disorders, but also to foreign children.
How It Works
The operation of the program is the automatic conversion, when writing, the word in the corresponding symbol.
“Araword, software developed in Spain, at Aragon, has been translated into Italian and now implemented operationally from us – said the head of the association Radis who oversaw the project, Oscar Pastrone -. It ‘totally free and free to use. His dictionary of symbols, always Spanish is itself free, free from copyright (excluding commercial use and the obligation of the mention of the author). ”
The use in school and at home
This means that in every class, for example, in the presence of children with SEN special, learning disorders, the aide should not “fight” to get buy a program, also will in turn provide Araword allowing the child to the family that continuity of learning is essential.
“And last, not secondary – adds Pastrone – is that free software, as in this experience, develops and grows out of collaborative basis, the direct and active participation of people, organizations, associations, organizations. All our work would be in vain if we had not met other, around Italy, to support, help, put experiences and skills, resources. ”
Information: References:
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