Monday, November 9, 2015

Software analyst? Straight to work –

The analyst and planner software: a professional figure among the most popular in Italy. How do you become one? responds with this article by AlmaLaurea. That’s what studies do analysts and software engineers and how they fit into the labor market: the good news? Are taken a few months of graduation.

STUDIES OF ANALYSTS SOFTWARE – are the 1,031 graduates in 2009 and five years after winning the title work as analysts and software designers . A nice group of young people who have completed a two-year degree, especially in the field of engineering (71%) and science (23%), which is part of the degree course in computer science. To go this route are mostly males (82%, versus 18% of females) that, in over half the cases, they work in the North (52.5% against 48% of the average).

GRADUATES AND FAST MONEY – And the university how they perform? They’re fast, no doubt about it: 26.3 years have already the title in hand (against an average age of 27.2 years), and in 78% of cases at the closing of the books within a year off the course (it is 83% for the complex). So, in terms of regularity in the studies and vote average degree (107.2 against 107.6) have nothing to envy of their colleagues. In the curriculum, they do not miss any training (38% vs. 53%), and a bit ‘of international experience (19% versus 20%). And if you ask them what they think of the university career just ended: they have no doubt, if they could go back to the time of enrollment, 83% of cases they would do the same course and the same university. Therefore, they are very satisfied.

ENGAGED FOR GREAT SPEED ‘- More than half of the analysts and software designers undertook postgraduate training activities, in particular plant training (31% ) and someone also activities supported by the scholarship (12%). Once you cross the fateful gateway to the labor market, despite starting work only when put in his pocket the title of degree (77% versus 64%), arrive at their first job at high speed: 3.8 months, against 7.1 of the complex than their colleges.

SECTORS OF WORK – A good start off on the road to see information technology (58%) or the metal industry or Manufacturing (7% in both cases). Their must is the private sector (94.5% versus 73%), where they are employed with a permanent job (82%, against 70% of the average), in particular for an indefinite period (76% against 46% ). The gain is not bad: 1,641 Euros against 1,336 euro net monthly average. In short, for them, the correspondence between studies and profession there and it shows: 92% believe the title at least effective enough to work.


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