Wednesday, October 8, 2014

New Uni TS 11300, the Regions: “non-certified” with the old … – House & Climate

New Uni TS 11300, the Regions: “non-certified” with old software or Docet
Increase the regions that warn Disability certification of existing computational tools

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

P rhyme had arrived notice of the Piedmont Region pointed out that the entry into force of the new rules from October 2 Uni ts 11300 Part 1 and Part 2 of that suspended calculation tools are not based on the new rules. A notice less conclusive has also appeared on the website of the Campania Region and now Emilia Romagna publishes a notice that invites us not to certify with the old instruments:

“With regard to the calculation of the indices of the energy performance of the building … we refer to as required by the rules on Uni ts 11300 and subsequent modifications and integrations, or equivalent “(Annex 8 of the Legislative Assembly Debilerazione n. 156 of 2008 sm) In what follows, starting from October 2, 2014, the only instruments
 calculation applications usable for the determination of
 energy performance of buildings for the purpose of issue of the relevant
 certificate are those compliant Uni ts 11300-1: 2014; UNI TS
 11300-2: 2014; Uni ts 11300-1: 2014 11300-3: 2010; Uni TS 11300-1: 2014
 11300-4: 2012 and the Recommendation R14: 2013.

 As we mentioned a few days ago the speed with which the ITC has released new versions of the standards, without anticipating them in advance to the software house, has displaced the producers who are found to perform updates in a hurry. We have heard some of these we were reassured that they are ready for commercialization, but that await the issuance of the certificate of conformity of the CTI. This conformity is attested by the certificate issued by CTI or, pending his release from the statement in lieu of the manufacturer of the software made pursuant to the Decree of the President of the Republic n. 59 of 2008, art. 7 paragraph 3 (or point 5 Annex A of the Ministerial Decree of 26/06/2009 “Guidelines for energy certification”) which is provided in this guarantee of conformity.

SACERT NOT UPDATE: The Friuli has released a statement in which certifiers who warns that the software BEST CLASS of SACERT will not be updated and therefore can no longer be used .

DOCET UPDATED As for the method of calculating Docet should be noted that – in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 5.2.2 of Annex A of the Ministerial Decree of 26 June 2009 – also it must be updated by the CNR and ENEA. In absence of the update the Region of Emilia Romagna writes clearly:

“It follows that the method of calculation DOCET can be used (with limits) only if it is guaranteed its compliance with the rules Uni ts 11300-1: 2014; Uni ts 11300-2: 2014; Uni ts 11300-3: 2010; Uni ts 11300-4: 2012 and Recommendation R14: 2013. ”

DO NOT RISK. Recall that the lack of commercial availability of computational tools in accordance with the technical specifications does not relieve the certifier to liability, so the advice is to wait to issue certificates or, in the last resort, retrodatarli.


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