Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Less bank problems for artisans thanks to a new software – Varese News

generic confartigianato
confartigianato companies varese

Just three months ago Confartigianato Companies Varese presented the results of a commissioned research to ‘Boccon University on relationship between small businesses and banks . The researchers at that time spoke of “ Stockholm Syndrome ” to emphasize a report based on elements of irrationality rather than a real strategic planning. Entrepreneurs, while having a negative perception of their relationship with the banks, when they finance their business, always end up in front of beloved-hated bank counter. dictated Selecting from ‘ Custom , from attendance and lack of alternatives ,

the research is used to decide strategies and so the association of viale Milano has taken action by developing, in collaboration with ‘ Institute for entrepreneurship at the University competitiveness Carlo Cattaneo of Castellanza-Liuc , a new software for the financial evaluation to be made available to businesses. “It is an analysis tool – explained Mauro Colombo, Director of Confartigianato – which increases competitiveness because it helps the entrepreneur to make important decisions on the financial plan and also on the industry.”

Emanuele Pizzurno and Maximum Solbiati , the teachers Liuc, speak of “ a simple and effective model .” The collection and analysis of data on cash flows allows us to understand if the management is able to ensure the financial sustainability of the enterprise. “It is a spreadsheet – explains Pizzurno – where are placed the budget of cash flows for better planning of the management activities, investments, also in view of requests for funding to do the bank.”

from left: Massimo Solbiati, Dorina Zanetti, Jade and Pavan Emanuele Pizzurno

it’s not news that many businesses, small and large, have had and continue to have financial difficulties derived from the lack of balance entry and exit because bill is not enough, then it must collect. “A company – adds Solbiati – must have the ability to meet its payment obligations and therefore the time lag between expenditure and revenue must be covered. That’s why it is a model that helps predict the cash inflows and outflows is critical to the company’s financial balance. And if there are any late payments you have to know and understand its dynamics. “

The new model is a tool that can be critical to the rating of companies looking for funding, in light of the rules of Basel 3 that reduce by half the chances of banks to grant credit based on regulatory capital (606 EUR 100 EUR to regulatory capital, compared to 1,250 euro of Basel 2) .

Confartigianato can count on a very important sensitive data thanks to the work of the staff of the claims that between 2015 and 2016 has provided advice to nearly 170 small businesses. “Entrepreneurs – says Dorina Zanetti – want to be heard by the association, make known their entrepreneurial history and the values ​​that underpin it. And when they go to the bank expect that all this emerges and Confartigianato is their first ally in the relationship with the bank corporation.

<'p> The new model developed by artisans and Liuc also meets a change in the hierarchy of the guarantees required by banks among the conditions for granting credit. And because of sheds and mortgaged real estate lenders have already too many, the cash flows of the company will be decisive factors in choosing to fund or not to fund a business. Equally important is also the identification of the causes that make critical the achievement of a financial balance. “Among the most frequent – Zanetti continues – there are difficulties in payments, problem loans, delays in collecting the debts with the tax authorities weighed down by brambles and interest, true weights for business.”

the software is not sold to businesses but is part of the consulting package provided by Confartigianato and can be funded with a voucher made available from the Chamber of Commerce of Varese and available until July .

“in our experience – concludes Jade Pavan – we have found that there are entrepreneurs already aware of these aspects. The new model is a useful tool to spread even more this awareness and to highlight the importance of financial planning in the relationship with the banks’.


From Software has no plans for a new Dark Souls, began the … – IGN Italy

Hidetaka Miyazi is already thinking about the future of From Software after the release of Dark Souls 3 and its downloadable content, as evidenced by a recent interview at GNN microphones.

These were the father’s words series:

“Dark Souls 3 will receive a series of DLC as happened with the previous chapters. for now we have no plans for sequels, spin-off or tie-in, although not I can confirm it 100%.

for example, if one of from Software developer came to me in five years begging me to create a new Dark Souls, do not rule out the possibility of letting my kids develop a new project.

For me, Dark Souls is coming to an end. Rather than creating yet another sequel, I think it’s time to take a new direction: the development of a new IP is already

the last new IP from Software’s Bloodborne, released exclusively PlayStation 4 as a collaboration with Sony.

Dark Souls 3 is available from early April for the PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox one, while its DLC will arrive in the fall and in 2017. you already feel the lack?


The uncertainty of the fight against tax evasion Tar on new software – Il Tirreno

CECINA. The socket is likely to be less tight than announced. The fight against tax evasion and avoidance in the field of services on individual demand, taxes would have to take off a quantum leap for incisiveness with the entry into operation of the new management suite. An investment in the order of 200,000 Euros for the municipal administration of Cecina. All done. Race successful. Unless the appeal to the Regional Administrative Court of Tuscany (TAR) presented by the company excluded.

Setting up the new software requires at least seven months. It is to transfer all the data of the files and verify that nothing is lost and everything is in the right place. A time required, which must add up the uncertainty of justice. “For now there is no request for a stay so we move forward – said the Head of Budget Federico Cartei -. The final award was made. ” In short, 2016 is going away, and in the offices you work with the usual tools.

Management Suite fully integrated web type. This is the technical term for software that promises to talk to all the offices in the same language. A Copernican revolution and not at all obvious. “We have databases that between them they can not talk – said the commissioner Cartei -. And this is due to the fact that the computerization of the data was made at different times. It now needs to make it all work with a single mode. ” What will change? “The controls will be more effective and timely. For example, if we receive a request for an exemption we can cross the balance sheet of the applicant and establish whether they are entitled. Or check payments relating to driveways and evaluate what would be the impact of a rate. “

The winners of the supply the Maggs Spa who made the most economically advantageous tender with a fall of 10 , 21% with respect to the base of 191,000 EUR race. While at present the appeal to the TAR for cancellation prior suspension of the tender procedure is the company Infor Arezzo.

Registry, taxes, accountancy, social and school services. Everything will end in a single database. And from each location and office working mode will be common. “The 2016 is a year of passage, necessary for the transfer of data from the old to the new software – supports Cartei -. The goal is to be fully operational from January 2017. On the technical level, this would still be needed. To get to close the accounts of this exercise the offices should still work with the old software. ”


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.4.2, full support for … – Hardware MAX | Everything about Technology (Blogs)

AMD has released a new version of its driver AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.4.2 devoted to its video cards, and eventually fully compatible with its new AMD XConnect .

the new drivers carry with them full support in XConnect, the technology developed by AMD to connect an external box containing a video card high at will range between Radeon R9 Fury, Radeon R9 Nano, all Radeon R9 300, Radeon R9 290x, 290 and 285. the connection is via the Thunderbolt port 3 which must be arranged on laptops or mini pc, but not enough to have it to make sure everything works, it must also have a BIOS-side support on the motherboard and an active Thunderbolt cable.

in addition to XConnect new drivers include new CrossFire profiles for games Elite Dangerous and Need for Speed ​​and several bugfixes, see below a part of the change log, and found that full access to this page.

You can download new drivers from this address.

Resolved Issues

  • The Division ™ may experience flickering in the AMD Crossfire ™ technology mode.
  • DOTA2 ™ toggling between fullscreen and borderless fullscreen exclusive can sometimes cause flickering or corruption when in AMD Crossfire ™ technology mode.
  • Some DirectX® 9 applications can not disable AMD Crossfire ™ technology trends through Radeon Settings.
  • GPU clocks on some products may remain in high states after recovering from an application crash.
  • small subset of AMD Radeon ™ R9 380 users may be experiencing slower than expected speeds fan.
  • Power efficiency Radeon toggle in Settings is showing up for some unsupported products.
  • The check for software updates feature in Radeon Settings may not find the latest available updates.
  • Some games may fail to show up in Radeon Settings tab gaming.
  • The Radeon Settings option may sometimes disappear as a shortcut from the right-click context menu on desktop after a software upgrade.
  • Steam®VR Performance Test may experience flickering in the AMD Crossfire ™ technology mode.
  • Stuttering or corruption Observed while playing Fallout 4 ™ on some graphics products at AMD Crossfire ™ technology mode.
  • Corruption in Hitman ™ When using AMD Crossfire ™ technology mode.
  • Stuttering or freezing in some loading scenes while playing Hitman ™ using AMD Crossfire ™ technology mode.
  • Negative scaling seen on Hitman ™ When using AMD Crossfire ™ technology mode.

Linux Presentation Day: the appointment of the fans of the … – Bentos (press release)

It will take place next Saturday, at the headquarters of the Centro cultural services Macomer Viale Gramsci , Linux Presentation Day , an event for the dissemination of operating systems Linux and free software, created in 2014. the event takes place twice a year , in April and October (the latter occasion coincides with the Italian Linux Day ), and consists of a number of small local initiatives staged by groups of volunteers all citizens on the same date.

to organize, in collaboration with Centro cultural servants UNLA , is the Linux Users Group Marghine (GULMh; ) formed as an association of social promotion and made up of technology enthusiasts and volunteers free computer which carries out dissemination, information and technical support.

During the show will be able to freely attend seminars, intended for stakeholders with knowledge and interests, from grassroots level up to expert. What are they and what are the free operating systems, differences between free software and proprietary software, programming languages, Libreoffice the free office suite, open data and open government will be the themes of the meetings and seminars. In specially prepared areas will be possible to install them on your PC, Linux operating systems thanks to the support of our staff, and we will participate in the workshop on programming in C. Younger (children aged 7 to 11 years) will be able to create the own cartoon with the support of the Coderdojo Guilcer ( CoderDojo are free club whose objective is the teaching of computer programming to children through training activities that revolve around the game).

the initiative will take place in a morning session and an afternoon to allow maximum public participation. It starts at 10.00 and ends at 18.30. the GULMh on the site poster with the detailed program of events and times for individual appointments.

[Photo: Andrés Álvarez Iglesias]

Milan authorizes the tables with a software Mantua – Gazzetta di Mantova

 MANTUA. Oasis Software, a company that has its headquarters in Porto Mantovano, it was awarded the concession of the City of Milan for the management of the practices relating to occupation of public land.


 The grant had expired last fall, and the City of Milan has launched a European competition: in addition to Oasis attended two other Italian companies. “We win – says with satisfaction Carlo Calciolari – and now we will work to create a sort of nervous tissue and thus reduction of up to 70% times of an administrative practice. Eliminated the paper, now all that concerns the permissions for the markets, the curtains of the shops, the local tables, the sites of excavations, removals and more is handled by our program.


 The coup Oasis is remarkable: it is an order of two years each for a total of about 600 thousand Euros.


 Another job coming up for Oasis is the one with Atlantyca Entertainment, which produces cartoons and books worldwide. For Atlantyca, the valance companies produce software for the management of copyright, with special reference to the merchandising. In this case it is an order of 120 thousand euro value.


 Oasis Software is a software company founded in 2007 which enjoys the collaboration of fifteen professionals and is headed by four founding partners. The members are Carlo Calciolari, Luca Bellini, Claudio and Stefano Pasolini Favilla. The company is responsible for the programming of computer products that work exclusively on a web platform, or can be accessed via internet browser, without installation . The company has two main product lines, verifiable by site: the first for public administration, the other aimed at enterprise and consumer users, and consists of a management software for the field of accounting.


 As for the latter area, in 2011 Oasis has provided the complete company management at Mondadori Printing in Verona (today Elcograf-Pozzoni group), beating off competition from larger software house. To date the management employs around 300 people in seven factories, sites in four different regions. The management, as stated in the company, “is completely i>> web-based.”


 On the occasion of Expo 2015, the Milan City Council had organized a network of parallel events, enclosed under the formula “Expo in Town.” The Council and the Chamber of Commerce had scheduled the authorization of about 7000-8000 events. The procedures for the allocation of these spaces were signed by Oasis own.



Monday, April 25, 2016

MacFamilyTree 8, updated to create the tree software … – Macity (Blog)

Updated historian file for Mac natop specifically for the family tree creation. On sale at € 29.99 on the Mac App Store.

MacFamilyTree 8 is the latest release of advanced software for creating family tree . The application is very complete well being in development for 18 years. It is a handy tool for anyone who wants a tool that allows to comprehensively list the ancestors, or more specifically create charts to show family relationships between individuals.

The application allows you to specify data, specify reports and provides dozens of display possibilities. The end result can be printed as a book or web site with a few clicks. The developers are also providing companion app for iPhone and iPad and the latest versions have revamped interface, “smart” filters, advanced search capabilities. Among the peculiarities of the program, the Interactive Tree with which you can display up to eight generation of ancestors and descendants, by modifying or adding data on individual subjects directly from this display mode.

Smart filter allow to investigate specific individuals or groups of individuals (you can enable query like: “Only men of the city x belonging to the paternal lineage”), or: “All the ancestors of the maternal line whose fields are present average. “

a log feature allows you to take account of the changes made over time to understand when and which element has been modified; no shortage functions to perform search by alphabetical order, last name, date of birth, date of baptism, place of birth, etc.

The application is multilingual (including Italian), it requires a Mac with OS X 10.10 or following, and in the time of this writing it is for sale at € 29.99 on the Mac App Store. The mobile version (iPhone and iPad), called “MobileFamilyTree”, in the time of writing is not yet available on the Italian store. It operates independently and can be synchronized with the desktop version using your iCloud account.

 creating family tree  creating family tree


Sunday, April 24, 2016

MacFamilyTree 8, updated to create the tree software … – Macity (Blog)

Updated historian file for Mac natop specifically for the family tree creation. On sale at € 29.99 on the Mac App Store.

MacFamilyTree 8 is the latest release of advanced software for creating family tree . The application is very complete well being in development for 18 years. It is a handy tool for anyone who wants a tool that allows to comprehensively list the ancestors, or more specifically create charts to show family relationships between individuals.

The application allows you to specify data, specify reports and provides dozens of display possibilities. The end result can be printed as a book or web site with a few clicks. The developers are also providing companion app for iPhone and iPad and the latest versions have revamped interface, “smart” filters, advanced search capabilities. Among the peculiarities of the program, the Interactive Tree with which you can display up to eight generation of ancestors and descendants, by modifying or adding data on individual subjects directly from this display mode.

Smart filter allow to investigate specific individuals or groups of individuals (you can enable query like: “Only men of the city x belonging to the paternal lineage”), or: “All the ancestors of the maternal line whose fields are present average. “

a log feature allows you to take account of the changes made over time to understand when and which element has been modified; no shortage functions to perform search by alphabetical order, last name, date of birth, date of baptism, place of birth, etc.

The application is multilingual (including Italian), it requires a Mac with OS X 10.10 or following, and in the time of this writing it is for sale at € 29.99 on the Mac App Store. The mobile version (iPhone and iPad), called “MobileFamilyTree”, in the time of writing is not yet available on the Italian store. It operates independently and can be synchronized with the desktop version using your iCloud account.

 creating family tree  creating family tree


Aids, software and consulting: technology that helps disabled students – Social Editor

LECCE – Emiliano (real name), a student in Parabita province of Lecce, is suffering from spastic quadriplegia, unable to speak, communicating through the movement of the eyelids. With the help of an eyepiece pointer, however, it is able to translate the movements into speech, both through the letters through boxes with words already formed. Francesca, a student from Cursi, suffers from Reth syndrome that caused severe mental retardation, but thanks to interventions of ‘alternative augmentative communication’ the consultant looking after you managed to get it to communicate, to make out of her language. These are just two of the six stories of life that is following currently the Territorial Support Center of the province of Lecce (Cts,, already active for ten years with the aim to facilitate access to technology by disabled students in schools of all levels, starting from kindergarten. A great job, challenging, but unfortunately still quiet, largely unknown to date precisely the families of students who would need support. Born on the basis of the project “New technologies and disability,” the Ministry of Education, thanks to the 2012 directive on special educational needs now fall within range of Cts all problems connected with the law 170 of 2010 and therefore the disturbances specific learning, as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, social disadvantages, language and culture.

Thanks to the work of specialists who provide their skills, the Cts of the province of Lecce, which depends on ‘ regional education office of Apulia, offers consultancy, projects and services to local schools (about one hundred and eighty institutes) case by case basis as they arise, proposing specific aids and sofware to use various disabilities, building a path tailored to the needs of each student and to play together with families. Among the counters that the Centre has no one on the ‘augmentative alternative communication’: “it’s about changing the way you send a message, according to alternative channels to language, when there are difficulties in this sense – explains Maurizio Molendini , head of CTS, support teacher role in the area of ​​science subjects at the technical Institute of Lecce Grazia Deledda, the seat of the Centre -. It is to first understand the level of communication of a person, then to strengthen in an alternative way other channels, including by age, from the concrete things to abstract concepts “. The specialist recommends Center aids, which must still be approved by the local health authorities. The ‘dynamic communicators’ for example, are similar to tablet, touch screen software with specific grids to help find a way of communication, to be used at school and at home. It ‘also active a door on the specific learning disorders, with a dedicated committee in particular to dyslexia, and also in this case are usable specific software with voice synthesis, maps, prepared kits that meet difficulties. Each case is followed through regular meetings with teachers and students of the family.

“Just the Puglia Region will issue the directive we will be ready to go even with the door on autism – precise Molendini – whose activation is provided by the Ministry of Education throughout Italy now that ended the experiment in only some regions. Here in Puglia will be trained about ninety teachers of information Cts of reference, which will be the coordinator, will go where there is need. teachers must through the branches, managing the dynamics of autism spectrum disorders, clearly in touch with families, schools, local authorities, for a business that revolves around the students. ” A short in the Cts of Lecce is also provided training for teachers on the topic of bullying, in collaboration with the Postal Police and associations. The territory – reads its homepage of the Center portal – is on the network, “but the main problem is just that – says the manager Cts -. Do not always approved protocols are then activated in fact, interventions are likely to remain so isolated kilter collaborations of local health services, municipalities and all the other actors. The result, then, is that few requests we receive, not so much because the problems there are not, but because the same families do not know who might have a support more”. (Sm)


Friday, April 22, 2016

Hacking Team: The Government confirms the withdrawal … – The Daily

All confirmed. As had anticipated in an article in the April 6 , re-launched in the days following the Washington Post in the United States and the Spiegel in Germany. The Ministry of Economic Development “in relation to the changing” political conditions in some countries of destination, “informed firm Hacking Team that instead of individual global Authorisation , which was, therefore, revoked , will now, in which case he meant to export their products duals in third countries to the EU, using the instrument of ‘ specific authorization individual “. He clarified Undersecretary Ivan Scalfarotto responding to a question the congresswoman Adriana Galgano civic Choice, on relations between the company led by David Vincenzetti and Egypt, which appeared in the list of the 46 States to which it had been granted by the Mise cybersecurity company based in Milan the green light to the marketing of remote control system ‘Galileo’ , the system that allows you to spy remote data and information passing on computers and smartphones.

YELLOW Regeni – has Scalfarotto also clarified that since the lifting of global (taken on March 31), “the successive exports of dual-use goods (used in the field both civil and military , ed) that the mentioned company would like to do in the future, can be achieved only if you release on the advice of the Advisory Committee issued each time , on the basis of a specific order or contract. ” As the RCS Galileo, in his question, the Galgano explained that its supervisory systems “allow the monitoring of User communications Internet , decrypt their files and their e-mail encrypted, record conversations telephone, Skype and other communications Voice over IP , to remotely activate microphones and cameras on the computers targeted, keep control mobile phones (phone, address books , texting, travel, calendars, etc.), read and detect anomalies in the world of social network . ” Proposing suspect that one of these systems may have been used to control Giulio Regeni , the Italian researcher killed in Egypt. Country listed, added the deputy of Sc, “the list of 46 States towards which Italian society Hacking Team (who in July suffered the illegitimate intrusion and disclosure of 400 gigabytes of highly confidential file) had obtained, April 3, 2015, the green light to the marketing of software “and” two months ago the scene of a tough tussle with Italy that seeks clarification the murder of the young. “

RECIPIENTS UNKNOWN – For this Galgano asked to know even if the Mise “has deepened in which Egyptian governmental organization the software was intended and whether there are elements to exclude that it was used in some way against Regeni “. Question it, however, remained incredibly unanswered . Even considering that the dual-use goods may be connected to proliferation of weapons of mass destruction . “I highlight that since the authorization issued to individual global type, the latter, not prescribe a prior study sull’end user (the end-user, ed ) by the Authority issuing the decision giving authorization, “he explained Scalfarotto. That is, the authorization would be released without knowing to whom materially software was intended (government, police, army, intelligence, etc.) both in Egypt and in the other 45 countries included in the total granted to Hacking Team. However, the new Secretary for Economic Development has pointed out that “any authorization which is issued” by Mise “for the export of dual use technology goods must be accompanied by a favorable opinion on the same authorization, the Advisory Committee “composed” of representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Economy and Finance, Defence, Interior, Education universities research, Health, the customs Agency and the economical progress”. forgetting to add an additional detail: the opinion of the Committee (as provided by Legislative Decree 96 of 2011, cited by the same Scalfarotto in his response), is “ mandatory but not binding .” The last word, therefore, remains with the Mise.

RIGHTS VIOLATED – According to the undersecretary, finally, “the presence of representatives of various Ministries lets have a very complete spectrum of assessment and related to every aspect of the operation of the same export, including respect for human rights . ” To which Egypt, like many others included in the list of 46, is certainly not an example for the civilized world. Not surprisingly, according to the Amnesty International Report , since the installation of President Abd al-Fattah al-Sisi took place on 8 June 2014, an already serious situation of human rights has been progressively deteriorating . A detail that, obviously, the Mise must have escaped April 3, 2015 when he released the global permission, later revoked, to Hacking Team.

Twitter: @Antonio_Pitoni



Greets Microsoft Xbox 360 after 10 years of glorious activities – Investing Today

After 10 years of glorious and more than decent career, Microsoft has thought that it is time to say goodbye with its first gaming console success, Xbox 360 . It will therefore now produced the first generation of Redmond console, but the software support that still exist will remain, so in that respect you can rest easy. Microsoft has decided to concentrate all its efforts on Xbox One , holding the tenth anniversary of the Xbox 360 to turn off not only the candles on his birthday. The news was announced by the head of the Xbox division Phil Spencer in a press release posted on the website, which was also traced the glorious history of this console launched in late 2005: within a decade there were over 80 million units sold in a single decade.

Xbox 360 has made the history of Microsoft in the gaming industry: with it several prestigious titles were launched, such as Halo and with it made its debut on the market Kinect, that has innovated the way of playing the console, bringing – not for the first time of course – a system of sensors to integrate with the ‘ aspect of gaming. Xbox 360 has been a successful console, but all good stories end up in a certain way: Microsoft will place and will sell the last of the first generation console stocks remained, but the production is already finished and with the passage of months to buy an Xbox 360 action will be very rare, as long as these consoles will not be impossible to find, maybe become collector’s items, regaining economic value in the future.

owners of the Xbox 360 can rest easy though, as Microsoft announced that no end support and service to users already own the console. This will result in the release of software updates that will be released at the appropriate time, thus also Xbox Live will continue to support the console. As for the rest, they expect new in the upcoming conference E3 in Los Angeles , in which Microsoft could present some interesting innovation, but for which for now does not talk much. Some make reference to a possible new generation console – an answer to PlayStation NEO 4.5? – But for the moment it is too early to make assumptions of this kind.


Thursday, April 21, 2016

The Way of the Cross of the F35, now the problem is the software – Criticism of Law

Arianna Pescini

a fleet of fighter jet from 379 billion dollars, and a failure in computer software for logistics cost 16.7 billion (the so-called ALIS) that could compromise their use. The odyssey of the F35, the gems of war by US giant Lockheed Martin requested by the armies of half the world (and sorted among the controversies by the Italian State), seems to come to a delicate point at least, that between denials and clarifications still casts further shadows on a project by stratospheric interest.

analysis to expose the problem was the US congressional research Group (GAO), which developed two unflattering reports on planes (he also talked about the British magazine “Business Insider”); in particular the study highlights the lack of a data backup system, or the ability to replicate and not lose valuable information in case of attack or failure: a not insignificant detail, including the importance given that nowadays the computer programs in warplanes. L ‘ Autonomic Logistics Information System is effectively the “brain” of the fighter-bomber, which allows and controls programming of the mission, the pilot operations, the margin for error and configuration, allowing even the maintenance ground staff, before and after the flight. The ALIS data will be managed from a single operations center in Fort Worth, Texas. Without an adequate backup system, it would be enough to make a mistake “blind” the F35. The report also highlights the difficulty of the system in communicating with jet oldest building and a concern for information security. All nodes that should be dissolved shortly before the start of series production of the aircraft.

 86031105 the risks and protection the Gao warned the Pentagon that the monumental weapons project will face difficult software testing and reliability for the coming years, and that the problems of the ALIS system (this is only the latest of several that emerged in recent months) are likely to increase exponentially costs, in a order from 20 to 100 billion dollars. Yet another “bomb” exploded in the US for several days, and to make matters worse we thought the director of the Department of Defense for system evaluation, Michael Gilmore, who spoke of “numerous critical of ALIS and architecture complex with likely and largely non-computer deficiencies warheads. ” Once again, the Pentagon is defended, talking about “new refinements” and ideally additional version of ALIS, more stable: the official version states that “although not yet powerful, the software will not prevent the F35 to continue flying ‘ . The head of the program, the general Chris Bogdan, in January had already stated annoyed that the fighter could fly at least 30 days without using the computer system for logistics.

previous In recent years the F35 have been the focus of criticism because of the many technical problems concerning radar, the alarm system, the meters and the sensitivity of the aircraft to lightning. Even helmets are available for pilots showed visual deficiencies. But to finish accused was especially the navigation software, that a recent attempt to hack revealed rather weak: it is feared that a hostile country in the future can really develop programs able to cancel the entire computer system of hunting and shoot it down without firing a shot. Too much trouble, in short, for a project that the US called it unprecedented. According to government figures, the cost of production of the F35 would be increased from 2010 to date up to 65 percent. But Lockheed Martin denies and revises downward by 20 percent the figure. The fighter-bombers of the fifth generation will be abandoned only in 2070.

The economic partners and Italy The project of the F35 are economically attended the UK, Australia, Canada, the Netherlands , Norway, Denmark, Turkey and Italy. Our country has contributed a billion euro, and drew up an agreement for the purchase, measured in years, of 90 F35, 38 of which will be purchased by 2020, at a cost of about 13 billion euro (ie about 150 million euro each.)


Toonz, Italian software that animates the masterpieces of Miyazaki – Tom’s Hardware

The classic 2D animation or frame by frame animation, is to draw all the frames (24 per second) of a scene. One by one! An exhausting job that requires passion, dedication and infinite patience. The results however are great, just think of the masterpieces of Disney .


From my point of view, despite the very considerable progress made 3D animation (CGI animation would be more correct to call it) that produces the highest quality films, I find the traditional animated films more fresh and alive, despite their imperfections. These are works “craft” and pulsating life that flowed from the hands of designers. In recent years, the arrival of computers has also provided the scribes cartoon powerful tools that help them in achieving their masterpieces. The software for the animation frame by frame allow designers to cut implementation times, allowing you to draw and paint directly on the canvas digital (paperless animation), and easy layer management. In practice a scene, simplifying to the maximum, it can be conceived as a series of stationary background layer and one or more animated layer on which the characters move.


Among the many software for the animation frame by frame in circulation there is toonz . Because I want to talk just toonz? Because the other day I read a tidbit about him: it was just released with open source license under the name opentoonz .


It is not a stripped down version, but the professional version, the one used by the animation studio Ghibli. Yes, you read right, this is the software that the study of Miyazaky normally use to create his masterpieces and a few days is freely downloadable and usable. The operation is similar in some ways to that relating to the release of the modeling / animation / 3D software and more Blender , which began as software development of the Dutch NeoGeo, then released as freeware and opensource later.


Sifting through the news I discovered, to my surprise and satisfaction, that the software toonz is 100% Italian. Very Italian! Roman company Digital Video , founded in Rome in 1986, which released the first version of its software toonz in 1993 for SO IRIS (Silicon Graphics system, at the time the graphic workstations for excellence ).


Recently, Digital Video has signed an agreement with Dwango (Japanese telecommunications giant) for the sale of toonz software and publishing it with open source license.


From fond of animation and computer technology I could not remain indifferent: I immediately contacted the creators toonz and I suggested a piece on Tom’s Hardware. The friendly Claudio Mattei, CEO of Digital Video , has given me a very long and fascinating conversation by telling the story of his company and its enhanced software from a number of beautiful anecdotes that I try to summarize:


How will you thinking of doing a software for 2D classical animation in Italy in the ’80s?


CM – In the 80s I worked as technical director of CGE (Computer Graphic Europe), who had signed with the Computer Graphics Laboratories of New York an agreement to buy a system for the animation called CISA (Computer Assisted Animation System) that stood in 4 copies. The software was virtually written by Catmull (founder and president of Pixar). One of these copies of the software was in Rome at the ECJ, ran under a VAX 11/780. This system had become uneconomical, only the maintenance contract with Digital cost a fortune, not to mention the power consumption of such a machine. In the meantime the first machines were leaving Silicon Graphics and then decided to try to write us a similar program.


We were able to produce a prototype at an affordable price that ran on Silicon Graphics IRIS. The product was so good that we decided to begin to show around. In 1993, at SIGGRAPH (Main Visual CGI conference in the world) to Chicago we presented at Softimage ones, so to speak, they did the dinosaurs in 3d at the time of the Spielberg film Jurassic Park. At the time was the software with which it was CGI animation in Hollywood. Became the exclusive distributors of our product then called ciack, later renamed toonz . With the Softimage product Toonz was made the first film, “Balto” that we, as it were, launched on the market, despite the film was not a blockbuster. Softimage was later purchased by Microsoft and our product became Microsoft Toonz. Microsoft imposed on us a quantum leap asking us to take care of 100% of our product from development to packaging assistance. And that was good for our company because it has made us grow.


Your software is born closely with production environments, that was created and measured on the demands of the animators. Especially with Don Bluth and Miyazaky. How were these collaborations?


1 After the “Balto”, Don Bluth (remember the video game “Dragon’s Lair”?) and Gary Oldman have chosen our software as a technology supplier for the “animation factory” that Fox was putting up in Arizona. E ‘was the first time that the entire production line of a study was built around our technology.


The first film produced by Fox was “Anastasia” and was actually a challenge because Fox had made up her mind to make a film in 4K Cinemascope in a sort of competition with Walt Disney, which until then produces its own films in 2K. All this at a time when this was really a very difficult technological challenge. Just to make it clear the issue: we had to go to dall’integer long integer in our source code to address all memory required, recompiling everything during the making of the film.


So the partnership with Fox was a turning point?


In fact, the technological progress of the software has been constant over time and there has been a quantum leap with the various users. With Fox was instrumental work done to allow the manipulation of large amounts of data.


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It Ghibli?

The choice of Ghibli was made to a specific element, namely the “quality of the line” (the “dusty” effect and inaccurate pencil that toonz simulated perfectly) it needed to make indistinguishable parts of the hand-made films and those made digitally. We are talking about the movie “ Princess Mononoke ‘: only a part of the film was made with toonz that you had to integrate with the parts already built in hand. We were at a time when the study Ghibli evaluating the transition to new digital technologies. They initially had to do the two techniques. And ‘state Miyazaki in person to opt for our software for this feature.


How did you come to the decision to publish toonz in the open source version?


1 E ‘duty to make an introduction. Many years ago we signed an agreement with Studio Ghibli that he needed to greatly customize the software with internal resources. We gave the possibility to use the source code to personalize adding from time to time necessary elements for the development of the various films. The other aspect of their work related to the user interface. The story is fun in the studio Ghibli exists a senior colorist, who also sees little there, which is “the” colorist Miyazaky and is the only one who chooses, even today, the colors of his films. You should know that at that time we were passing by the major release 4 to 5 toonz completely rewriting the software from the 1.2 million lines of code in C to 750 thousand in C ++. A significant breakthrough in the overall architecture of the software. Everything had also involved a UI change that put in difficulty the elderly colorist. In practice at home Ghibli they have redone the user interface in the image of the old release.


Coming to the present day the cause of the recent events are related to the closure of the Ghibli studio – actually continue to produce but in fact the old working group was sent home. And ‘it changed the business model. The old studio Ghibli, where everything was homemade, had become unmanageable and too expensive. So Miyazaky and others, including his producer and the author of Naruto, a group of wise old men who were asked what they could do for the Japanese animation now in crisis. Work is increasingly out where it costs less, with an extreme parcellizazione, with too many too small studies with little capacity to invest. Well, they thought that by giving free use of a software like toonz , could be an opportunity to retrain all studies, even the little ones. They therefore contacted Kawakamy of Dwango AD-known fan of manga and animation, with patron driven (but with an eye on business, of course), in September 2015 acquired the latest software release toonz . Simultaneously Kawakamy recovered responsible for the development of Ghibli that was, say, a walk, after the study closed, and part of his staff, to manage the operation.


So from September to now Dwango bought the software, set up a working group with former developers and researchers Ghibli and produced the version of opentoonz that was released a few days ago. What is the economic interest of Dwango in this operation?


1 The first thing I expect is the publication of a book / dVD with the instruction manual to use opentoonz , then start to do training and education.


And because the software is, in fact, been acquired by Dwango, what will be the strategy of Digital Video from now on?


The arrival of Dwango was a bit ‘a fluke. We are thinking for some time to pass all’opensource because we are deeply convinced that the license sale does not generate more profits that are needed. The cost that people are willing to spend to acquire the software fell to levels below the returns have. Our plan fortunately coincided with that of Dwango and were well paid for it! Of course we welcome this proposal gladly, with the condition that the object was used for non-commercial purposes, in particular the license is a BSD license.


Who will develop opentoonz from now on?


The control is Dwango. But it is possible that we will contribute to the development. They currently have acquired the software and they control it. So much so that they have changed from the original version delivered and strive for a minimal user interface. This interface, however, has “hidden” a number of features that are there, inside: in fact opentoonz is, at present, a subset of toonz “premium.” Right now their priority is to provide a tool that can be used in Japanese workflow and production of a “pilot” (a short or pilot animated film ed still secret that will show the possibilities of this software) probably themed fiction.


What will be the strategy of the company Digital Video in the future as part of the animation?




Digital video continues to sell a “premium” version of toonz a fraction of the cost, it comes to less than 1/10 of the previous price. We changed our business model by charging very little licensing and trying to make money with support, training and customization. We are very happy that young artists and animators can use our tools.


The company Digital Video has established and internationally known. It seems a little ‘less in Italy. He currently works with major studios in the entertainment world. Its software has become a de facto standard in the field of animation 2D. Digital Video is not just cartoons but web animation, broadcasting, etc … What can I say? Long live our Italian genius. When’ll watch some animated films, from now on, I can not help but think, with a little ‘envy, I confess, that perhaps there is also our paw in there.
