Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Linux Presentation Day: the appointment of the fans of the … – Bentos (press release)

It will take place next Saturday, at the headquarters of the Centro cultural services Macomer Viale Gramsci , Linux Presentation Day , an event for the dissemination of operating systems Linux and free software, created in 2014. the event takes place twice a year , in April and October (the latter occasion coincides with the Italian Linux Day ), and consists of a number of small local initiatives staged by groups of volunteers all citizens on the same date.

to organize, in collaboration with Centro cultural servants UNLA , is the Linux Users Group Marghine (GULMh; www.gulmh.it ) formed as an association of social promotion and made up of technology enthusiasts and volunteers free computer which carries out dissemination, information and technical support.

During the show will be able to freely attend seminars, intended for stakeholders with knowledge and interests, from grassroots level up to expert. What are they and what are the free operating systems, differences between free software and proprietary software, programming languages, Libreoffice the free office suite, open data and open government will be the themes of the meetings and seminars. In specially prepared areas will be possible to install them on your PC, Linux operating systems thanks to the support of our staff, and we will participate in the workshop on programming in C. Younger (children aged 7 to 11 years) will be able to create the own cartoon with the support of the Coderdojo Guilcer ( CoderDojo are free club whose objective is the teaching of computer programming to children through training activities that revolve around the game).

the initiative will take place in a morning session and an afternoon to allow maximum public participation. It starts at 10.00 and ends at 18.30. the GULMh on the site poster with the detailed program of events and times for individual appointments.

[Photo: Andrés Álvarez Iglesias]

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