Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Less bank problems for artisans thanks to a new software – Varese News

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Just three months ago Confartigianato Companies Varese presented the results of a commissioned research to ‘Boccon University on relationship between small businesses and banks . The researchers at that time spoke of “ Stockholm Syndrome ” to emphasize a report based on elements of irrationality rather than a real strategic planning. Entrepreneurs, while having a negative perception of their relationship with the banks, when they finance their business, always end up in front of beloved-hated bank counter. dictated Selecting from ‘ Custom , from attendance and lack of alternatives ,

the research is used to decide strategies and so the association of viale Milano has taken action by developing, in collaboration with ‘ Institute for entrepreneurship at the University competitiveness Carlo Cattaneo of Castellanza-Liuc , a new software for the financial evaluation to be made available to businesses. “It is an analysis tool – explained Mauro Colombo, Director of Confartigianato – which increases competitiveness because it helps the entrepreneur to make important decisions on the financial plan and also on the industry.”

Emanuele Pizzurno and Maximum Solbiati , the teachers Liuc, speak of “ a simple and effective model .” The collection and analysis of data on cash flows allows us to understand if the management is able to ensure the financial sustainability of the enterprise. “It is a spreadsheet – explains Pizzurno – where are placed the budget of cash flows for better planning of the management activities, investments, also in view of requests for funding to do the bank.”

from left: Massimo Solbiati, Dorina Zanetti, Jade and Pavan Emanuele Pizzurno

it’s not news that many businesses, small and large, have had and continue to have financial difficulties derived from the lack of balance entry and exit because bill is not enough, then it must collect. “A company – adds Solbiati – must have the ability to meet its payment obligations and therefore the time lag between expenditure and revenue must be covered. That’s why it is a model that helps predict the cash inflows and outflows is critical to the company’s financial balance. And if there are any late payments you have to know and understand its dynamics. “

The new model is a tool that can be critical to the rating of companies looking for funding, in light of the rules of Basel 3 that reduce by half the chances of banks to grant credit based on regulatory capital (606 EUR 100 EUR to regulatory capital, compared to 1,250 euro of Basel 2) .

Confartigianato can count on a very important sensitive data thanks to the work of the staff of the claims that between 2015 and 2016 has provided advice to nearly 170 small businesses. “Entrepreneurs – says Dorina Zanetti – want to be heard by the association, make known their entrepreneurial history and the values ​​that underpin it. And when they go to the bank expect that all this emerges and Confartigianato is their first ally in the relationship with the bank corporation.

<'p> The new model developed by artisans and Liuc also meets a change in the hierarchy of the guarantees required by banks among the conditions for granting credit. And because of sheds and mortgaged real estate lenders have already too many, the cash flows of the company will be decisive factors in choosing to fund or not to fund a business. Equally important is also the identification of the causes that make critical the achievement of a financial balance. “Among the most frequent – Zanetti continues – there are difficulties in payments, problem loans, delays in collecting the debts with the tax authorities weighed down by brambles and interest, true weights for business.”

the software is not sold to businesses but is part of the consulting package provided by Confartigianato and can be funded with a voucher made available from the Chamber of Commerce of Varese and available until July .

“in our experience – concludes Jade Pavan – we have found that there are entrepreneurs already aware of these aspects. The new model is a useful tool to spread even more this awareness and to highlight the importance of financial planning in the relationship with the banks’.


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