Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Hacking Team, revoked the global export authorization of … – The Daily

In the list there is also Egypt. For two months the scene of a hard tug between Cairo and Rome that claims clarification about the murder of Friulian researcher Giulio Regeni killed in the country led by Abd al -Fattah al-Sisi . But between the 46 States to which the Italian company Hacking Team (that last July has been the illegitimate intrusion and disclosure of 400 gigabytes of highly confidential files ) had obtained, April 3, 2015, the green light to the marketing of remote control system ‘ Galileo ‘, the system that allows you to spy remote data and information passing computer and smartphone , there are also other hardly champions of human rights. On 31 March, however, the Directorate-General for International Trade Policy (Authority for exporting dual-use goods) which comes under the ministry of the Development (Mise ), led until a few days ago by the former minister Federica Guidi , has decided to reverse. By revoking “with immediate effect” the ‘ global authorization granted to the company only twelve months ago in Milan. Two years before the deadline of April 30, 2018.

Mutations POLICIES A measure – that fattoquotidiano.it could see – motivated “in the light of changed political situations ” in some foreign states to which Hacking Team had obtained permission to sell its sophisticated spyware . Among these, Egypt stood out instantly. Due to the recent tensions with Italy triggered by case, still unsolved, of Regeni death. Death caused, is the suspicion of the investigators, from the torture right in the country led by President al-Sisi. Where, according to Amnesty International , from his inauguration took place on 8 June 2014, the human rights situation has been progressively deteriorating . Nevertheless, in 2015, the Authority has granted Hacking Team the coveted permission. Although, as noted by The site of Mise in the section dedicated to the international trade of goods dual use as Galileo (ie usable both civil and military applications) , one of the “top priorities of the EU external relations” is “the promotion of respect for human rights “. But that’s not all. The Ministerial Authority decided, in fact, not only to grant green light to the sale (not just Egypt) of the Galileo software, but even allow it through The broader permissions provided . Namely the so-called ‘ Global ‘. With which the Milan-based company has been able to export for one year without requiring its technologies, from time to time and case by case, the preventive “individual specific authorization” . A regime, the latter, which, as a result of the recent decision to withdraw, it will be from now on subject.

SPY GAME GLOBAL But back to the 46 countries affected by the global withdrawal of authorization . The list, in addition to Egypt, includes states and regimes which are quite different. To begin with, the United Arab Emirates, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Bolivia and Brazil. Still, Canada, Switzerland, Chile, Colombia and Cyprus. Follow, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Honduras, Indonesia, Israel and India. So, Iraqi Kurdistan, Jordan, Japan, South Korea, Kuwait, Kazakhstan and Lebanon. Without neglecting Morocco, Mongolia, Mexico, Malaysia, Nigeria and Oman. In addition to Peru, the Philippines, Paraguay, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore and Thailand. And finally, Turkey, United States, Uzbekistan, Vietnam and South Africa. The revocation of the global is already served at the Hacking Team. That contacted by ilfattoquotidiano.it , preferred not comment waiting to clarify the reasons that led the Authority to adopt the measure. The company led by David Vincenzetti explained, however, that not all 46 countries listed in the document are actually its partners . However, for privacy commitments hired, did not provide information, nor on the State of destination or on the specific authorities (police, other security devices, etc.) to whom they were sold ‘Galileo’ or other products.

Here comes again KAZAKHSTAN a clear sign of how delicate the matter. Not surprisingly, the request for an opinion on the revocation was sent on March 21 last, for information, even AISE, the external intelligence service. And ‘certain, however, that the list of recipients of “exports to 31 December 2014″ by Hacking Team, appear, in addition to Egypt, another 27 countries. Among these, there is also another state notorious for restrictions of freedom: Kazakhstan, jumped to the honors of the Italian chronicles for the mess the expulsion in May 2013 the wife of dissident Mukhtar Ablyazov, Alma Shalabayeva and daughter Lula .

cRITERIA iN LIST But what were the criteria for the grant of the green light to the sale of such sensitive technologies a country much criticized? He put the sources point out that the global authorization was granted to Hacking Team “after assessment of the Advisory Committee for the export of dual-use goods – which are also represented the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Defence , Interior, Economy, Education and Health – following which the list countries, indicated by the company, was considered consistent with the public interest in the light of the situation of the moment. ” Similarly, “about the revoke , the Committee considered that the ‘ public interest had failed .” Point.

HACKER hacked This is not the first time, however, that the Milanese company rises to the headlines. Last July, it was over in the middle of a real yellow started with the breach of his Twitter account. Used by persons unknown to announce the disclosure of 400 gigabytes of highly confidential file. A story yet to be clarified – and the scrutiny of the judiciary – in which, a few months after the eruption in Hacking Team systems, has made extensive also suspect that two former employees of Vincenzetti have an attempt to remove the software making public the source source . But, as stated at the time by the Milanese, without damage to its clients.

Twitter: @Antonio_Pitoni



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