Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Open source software for Architects, here is the guide to the best products – Ediltecnico – online newspaper for Technical Professionals


The change of web 1.0 to 2.0 has been accompanied in recent years by the widespread use of open source software . Two changes “brothers”, the same children a great new opportunity: using the web as it is used and not used a book but have the ability to create content and share them without restrictions, and radically altering the function of the publisher, which is not longer the sole possessor of content, but it is one of many.

Some publishers have become aware of the change and have changed, others have not. The open source software is an opportunity for all professionals, including, but not limited to, the economic point of view. In the situation where the stagnant world of work, and in particular construction, have the opportunity to take advantage of free tools and reliable is a great starting point.

A useful tool for professionals could be a collection Software that helps the practitioner to understand which are the most reliable ones and which are not, a critical list of the best experiences. I refer in particular to the open source software for architects and planners .

We do not say that Maggs is a publisher illuminated, but he had the idea to build this collection, the pages “Free Software for Architecture and Urban Planning. Tools, methods, theory “: Matthew Ballarin , teacher disciplines of Representation at the School of Architecture at the Politecnico di Milano, IUAV and l ‘ Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna, guides us along an interesting route CAD / BIM, 3D modeling and rendering, GIS, for the detection and graphics.

Inside the book you will find links to the download, but not only. The first chapters are devoted to the definitions you need to know (freeware, shareware ..), state of the art, the history and theories related to the seeker free software.

Maggs, in this case, there is then as a publisher that distributes the content, fulfilling its function more traditional, but also as a popularizer of free content, in parallel to what is now an established culture: the open source software .
A ‘excellent collection, which is useful for professionals who want to start their own studio from scratch or want to renew it.

I wait to see what will happen to open source software, and traditional publishers, when Web 3.0 (the internet of things) will be more widespread.





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