Sunday, October 12, 2014

Pedonalizzo a road, the increase in PV? A software helps … – The Republic

BOLOGNA – A platform software that helps politicians to make decisions. In an informed and conscious, not based on the belly of the voters or the variable alliances of government. And on everything from energy plan of a region on the urban development of a city until the pedestrianization of a street. With so much economic data, necessary funds, environmental impact, but also with the opinions of citizens captured and collected on the Internet, in social and blogs (the so-called opinion mining ). The model, dubbed “ePolicy”, was developed by a group of computer Alma Mater: four years of work for a research 3.2 million (of which 2.6 European funds) made with nine partners from five countries (those are the Italian universities of Bologna, leader, and Ferrara, Emilia Romagna and Aster).

In short, computer scientists, with their predictive models are in aid policy. Especially for those long-term decisions, where “you must be looking forward to try to make choices clear, achievable and realistic,” says Michela Milano, the coordinator of the European project have already been tested in Emilia-Romagna and Piedmont. While it is being finalized a partnership with the Scottish Government for its use to government.

Pedonalizzo a road, the increase in PV? A software helps politicians to decide

The platform is meant for choices in energy policy, but “can be adapted to other areas, from urban traffic,” says the teacher. For example, how can a region, by 2020, increase the production of clean energy with photovoltaic systems installed by private individuals? The system helps to understand what and how many funds you want – with the analysis of all the economic data – but even if the incentives are welcomed or not, how much they weigh external factors such as the degree of public confidence in the eco-incentives Government or the need for a guarantee fund of the region for access to mortgages. In short, it is tested also the success of the intervention, ie how many individuals will agree to install the equipment. “All parameters are taken into account, because the choices are not always easy – continues Michela Milano, Department of Computer Science-Computer Science and Engineering – for example if I create biomass power plants must know that they have a high emission of particulate matter; if I install solar panels on the ground have an impact on fertile soils. ”

The computer model, which will be presented on Monday at the headquarters of Bologna Region, ARPA has already been used on two occasions: for the strategic environmental assessment of the Emilia-Romagna Regional Energy Plan 2011-2013 and for the environmental assessment of the regional operational plan that distributes structural funds. “More and more citizens demand to contribute to the creation of public policies, including through websites and social networks – concluded the professor – On the other hand, more and more often, politicians are called upon to make decisions having to evaluate a very large number of variables, constraints, environmental impacts, economic and social, including the fallout of their choices on citizens. E-Policy has been developed specifically to create a tool to support policy decisions. ”

European projects
computer science department Unibo
university of bologna


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