Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Software market in Italy: advances in the Top 100 IT 2014 – Data manager online

Who is at the top of the 28th edition of the Top 100 Data Manager? Discover the trends and dynamics of the software market in Italy in an interview with Giancarlo Vercellino IDC

Waiting for the ranking of the most awaited by the business community ICT, Giancarlo Vercellino IT Research & amp; Consulting Manager of IDC Italy , track the latest news in the Italian market software and services that emerge from the classification. IDC estimates that the aggregate data of the Top 100 should be substantially intercept about two-thirds of the total value of the sector in Italy.

Video interview with Giancarlo Vercellino, IT Research & amp; Consulting Manager of IDC Italy

Although it should be noted that the ranking is an important part of the Software and IT Services sector in Italy, in fact covers the predominant component of the Large Enterprises, presenting a lower degree of resolution on the scenario SMEs.

In 2013, the industrial segments of greater importance for the aggregate are the Top 100 Finance (28%), public administration (21%), Industry ( 21%), Services (20%) and trade (8%). With a turnover exceeding 500 million euro, IBM Accenture HP Microsoft Engineering driving the first 5 positions with 39.2% of the total revenues of the Top100 ranking.

Out of more than 250 companies, IDC A slowdown of the decline in services and a gradual decline in terms of value for several years, but with prospects for recovery to increase thanks to the progressive spread of cloud delivery models in IT.

The sub-Software yields little more than half a percentage point, with a value of 5 billion euro: Applications – 1.3%, holding the segments Middleware and software infrastructure.

Flattening of growth to 0.5% on an annual basis, but fewer companies are moving out of negative territory. Increase the number of businesses with annual growth rate of over 15%.

Great confirmations and new surprises in the other’s position and ranking among firms followers that, however, are already leaders of the field and represent the most dynamic part of the market.

Data Manager: What are the innovations that emerge from the TOP 100 ranking 2014?

Giancarlo Vercellino: Comparing the aggregate Top100 dell ‘ 2014 edition with the previous year, there was a flattening of growth to 0.5% on an annual basis, highlighting the tensions general economy, in addition to restructuring processes endogenous to the industry, they have now reached the higher end of the sector, with negative results also highlighted in the financial statements of the major players in the industry. Continues and accelerates the trend to a shift of the results from the top of the market to the rest of the operators, with a reduction of almost one and a half percent of the total value attributable to the first five positions. In terms of industrial sectors have seen a substantial static main aggregates: the sectors that express the highest levels of concentration continue to be, in order, Commerce, Public Administration and Finance. There is a slight shift from the Finance Services.

What is the state of the software market in Italy?

The size of the software sector in Italy, according to the latest updates of the perimeter as highlighted in the IDC Software Taxonomy, 2013, have yielded little more than half a percentage point in the last year, at around 5 billion euro. Continuing the trends of general apathy of the market, found mainly in application area, where you emphasize the processes of consolidation, with the various phenomena of acquisition, merger and sale of assets that are followed without pause. The total value of the Applications segment decreased by 1.3%, while remaining stable in absolute terms, the segments related to middleware and infrastructure software.

And what signals are recorded on the front of the IT services in Italy?

In 2013, the sector of IT Services, Business Consulting and BPO’s in Italy has reached a total value was approximately 14.6 billion euro. In the last year there has been a decline of about 0.2% compared to 2012, indicating a slowdown in the decline of an industry that has gone to meet a clear gradual decline in terms of value for several years. In spite of other segments, such as the Software, IDC believes that the Italian market could be expected of the discrete prospects of recovery in the services sector in the medium-term consequences of growth estimates have been revised upwards.

Survey # Top100 ofDataManager_it andIDCitaly: The value of i IT services exceeded 14 billion euro

Can you describe the Top 100 using 5 keywords?

Width : The classification provides a fairly representative of the sector, nearly two-thirds of the results of the sector in Italy. Depth : the search ranking results for 5 industrial sectors. Independence : IDC compare results of the various operators in the whole range. Reliability : The results are compared with the results of the budget and where they differ are appropriately reported. Visibility : the ranking is a tool looked at with great attention by the industry.

What is the method that IDC has taken to develop the ranking and what is its value?

As every year, the ranking is powered by a dedicated scouting activity that is carried out jointly by IDC and Data Manager by extending the range of companies that are included in the search, looking to add companies with a predominant orientation of Software and IT Services and a substantial appreciation in the Italian market. This year, over 250 companies were evaluated. The data presented in classification derived from the questionnaires submitted by the companies, duly verified by the sources of information publicly available or from the independent evaluation of IDC based on industry trends, time series of individual operators and the similarities or differences between operators. Each rank has a value very relative, because every year the sample of companies that participated in the ranking may change significantly depending on several factors, such as scouting activities, the operations of M & A and terminations.

The full survey will be published in the November issue of Data Manager.

In the meantime, the 2013 edition of the rankings is available here.


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