Friday, October 10, 2014

Tasi 2014, F24, computation, software and online guide MEF: yes … – Blasting News

Continues the time of great turmoil connected to the Tasi 2014 , with several million taxpayers struggling in these times with the procedures for calculation of the tribute: yes, because being in self-assessment The Tasi 2014 should be computed independently by the people, for the purpose that they have a series of tools and software available online . Despite the use of CAF centers and specialized intermediaries remains the best way to safeguard against errors in computation and improper, many are opting for a calculation of Tasi 2014 made in autonomy ; between the fundamental parameters in view of a correct computation of the tax are certainly tax rates and deductions Tasi 2014 set by their municipalities, but where to find this information? Generally, these parameters are given on the official website of the same municipality of residence, but for those who were in trouble anyway rinvenirli the advice is to rely on the website of the MEF ,; Once logged into the portal need to click on ‘Local Taxation’ (the button is to the right of your screen), after which press ‘Iuc – Single tax municipal (Imu-Tari-Tasi)’ from the menu on the left, and finally turn the banner ‘Rules and Resolutions rates / tariffs adopted by individual municipalities’. At this point the worst is: do not do anything but use the interactive map online on which having to first select your region, then the province and finally the local council.

Tasi 2014, F24, computing, software and online guide MEF: you pay by October 16, more than 15 million taxpayers are called upon to pay the levy

calculation of Tasi 2014 is not complex but certainly outlines a delicate procedure: the first value to be taken as a reference point is r endita register that should be re-evaluated at 5% ; after which you have to multiply the result by a coefficient that varies from property to property but for first and second home always amounts to 160 , count rates Tasi 2014 established by the local council and then subtract the reductions If you are entitled. Anyone who wants to make the calculation of Tasi 2014 can use some practical software online , among which we remind those of and de Il Sole 24 Ore ; the latter is particularly simplified, just follow the instructions provided by the software every time you proceed to the filling a new box . Who had access to a previously compiled list of properties can immediately upload it online using the feature ‘ Load Properties ‘. To operate the computer is obviously essential to include the rates established by the local council Tasi 2014 and the end of the operation deduct the deductions ; At this point we must divide by two, since by October 16 you have to pay only Tasi half of 2014 due for the current year (the other half will be paid in a solution apart by 16 December). The payment of Tasi 2014 should be carried out in the month of October will involve the bulk of Italian taxpayers, as well as 15000000 , which is about 6 thousand residents of the municipalities that have approved tax rates and deductions Tasi 2014 by 10 September and sent everything to the MEF by the 18th of the same month. We recall that the 2014 must be paid by Tasi F24 ; if you want to stay up to date on taxes in general Tasi 2014 and we invite you to click the ‘ Follow ‘ in the top right.


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