Thursday, November 13, 2014

Xerox releases a new software update for tracking … – Data Managers online

For the humanitarian fight against Ebola, the Xerox Foundation has donated $ 100,000 to Save the Children

Xerox installation announces secure in the cloud of each company’s proprietary software update management and monitoring of disease outbreaks Maven Outbreak Management Software . In this way, every agency and organization devoted to the public health can be accessed in a more simple and straightforward software and use it in the fight against Ebola.

The software Maven is configured to provide tracking contacts Ebola and other diseases. In the absence of a vaccine, tracking of contacts, which allows us to identify those who are potentially at risk of infection, is one of the most valuable tools available to contain and prevent the spread of diseases such as Ebola. Privacy and security are two very important aspects of any system that maintains information on public health, and Maven is a secure platform under HIPAA, US law on the ownership, portability and security in medical applications. Maven has already been used by public health agencies in 12 US jurisdictions and two states in Australia.

“At this time, the epidemic of Ebola is one of the most critical global and requires our best thinking and resources. Healthcare organizations of all kinds need of the technologies required to manage the identification and diagnosis of those who may have come into contact with infected people. Only a high level of vigilance will limit the epidemic, “said Dave Amoriell, chief operating officer of the division of the Public Sector Group, Xerox . “Maven is the best technology on the market for the tracing of contacts and Xerox, a company based on services and technology-driven, has made it available and accessible via the cloud.”

Maven uses data analytics to ensure tracking people who have been infected or exposed to communicable diseases such as Ebola, measles, tuberculosis, HIV or influenza. The technology is scalable and can be quickly configured for each technology and rapidly evolving protocol and according to each region, key to responding effectively to the spread of the disease. It is a platform that also allows for easier data sharing and integration among these agencies that deal with health in the forefront to fight the disease.

Unlike other systems gestone of cases, Maven is not a program where the database access is strictly limited. Each figure is, in fact, available and accessible from any jurisdiction or public health professional, state and local, and is able to integrate the electronic reports. The software allows Maven monitare and handle cases of the disease identified in real time and label them as confirmed cases, suspected cases or those at risk or electronically through its web portal. This process ensures that public health professionals can respond better to emerging needs.

In addition, the Xerox Foundation will donate $ 100,000 to Save the Children to support its work with families in West Africa who are addressing the critical consequences of the virus.

“To contribute in every way possible solution is our responsibility; This is why we have partnered with Save the Children, as they will allow us to support the field work that is done to limit the transmission of Ebola and protect children in West Africa, “said Michael Cahn, Vice President of Philanthropy, Xerox . “Children are always the most vulnerable in emergencies, Save the Children will use these resources to help minimize the spread of disease, and reduce the impact, the fear and isolation that occurs within families.”


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