Monday, October 19, 2015

Dieselgate Volkswagen: how many versions of the software? – (Blog)



How many versions of the software used by Volkswagen in the scandal emissions? According to Reuters the Volkswagen Group would have used different versions of the defeat device to change the values ​​of the emissions of diesel engines. It appears that in the seven years of production of the TDI engines involved, the software would be modified over time to use four different types of engines .

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What is certain is that since 2008 Volkswagen has used different solutions to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxide, through the traps of NOx for new SCR, Selective Catalytic Reduction, introduced in 2012. So, in addition to updates of a technical nature, there would be more software versions due the different cycles of local approval.

At this point it seems likely that they may have been involved different technical in progrettazione and implementation of the various versions of the software “modified.” If this were confirmed , would make it even more serious is the situation of Volkswagen, especially in America. Quoted by Reuters, Brandon Garrett (corporate crime expert – University of Virginia School of Law), he recalled how federal laws have a clear approach: most are the employees involved, most are heavy penalties. And after Italy and France, also in Spain have started the investigation of the judiciary.

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