Being the only National Platform for electronic invoicing not only to the PA but, above all, between enterprises: here is the mission of Software Hub System, a consortium promoted by Assosoftware – Association member of Confindustria that has 111 members who develop a total turnover of four billion with 17 thousand employees – in participation with 24OreSoftware / TSS, Dylog / Buffetti, IT Working, Kalyos, Systems, and Teamsystem Wolters Kluwer Italy.
The platform Software Hub System is designed to integrate strongly with management programs, produced by the Software House and used by associated companies and professionals, taking charge of all those activities that add efficiency in the management of administrative and financial cycles.
The distinguishing factor of the solution Software Hub System is therefore the business model that can certainly be called “win win” because the different components (software houses, businesses and PA), due to the role from the hub, each get real benefits : software house , through the integration of their software with the platform, offer solutions to their customers the richest and performance; business that using the management can give efficiency to administrative processes and benefit from the advantages of digitization without changing their MO ; PA increases the efficiency and transparency of management processes.
The importance of networking, including in Italy, become strategic for a systemic approach to the digitization of documents and the creation of a community of companies that share digital documents.
Software Hub System, which manages the technological infrastructure of the Hub or the collaborative centralized platform dedicated to the management of the exchange of electronic invoices, chose as the Technological Partner SIA Group , the European leader in infrastructure management and technology services for financial institutions and Central, Enterprise and PA in the areas of payments, network services and financial markets.
A SIA, which is an operator “impartial”, entrusted with the implementation and delivery of the service, according to the rules and standards defined by Software Hub System. In this regard it is important to note that the adoption of the standard SDI allows to already be compliant with nascent European standard and have assurance of maintenance and growth in time.
Software Hub System, which has no profit, at the service of all members Assosoftware, who intend to rely on a pre-competitive solution to enable new business opportunities with respect to the respective markets.
“It is the integration of management software for businesses and professionals, and Software Hub System – highlights Bonfiglio Mariotti President of Assosoftware – which provides benefits to both software houses and businesses. In summary, it ends the era of manual of the first note, and you open a new scenario, a dematerialized world in which the exchange of documents (quotes, orders, invoices, contracts …) among the companies that share the platform will make it easier and convenient handle the administrative workflow, and thanks to the integrated payment, befall times and costs (think obviating Ri.Ba.) facilitating access to credit and the advance on invoices under the traceability of sales. “
The procedures to adhere to Software Hub System are presented on