BOLOGNA. It’s called Pharma-Care and the software that will revolutionize the world of Free Nursing in Italy. It ‘as stated by Maximum Garzulino , head of the working group that led, in agreement with the National Federation of Colleges IPASVI , the creation of an application for direct call and instant Nurses at home .
The news was a few hours ago in Bologna under the third national gathering of Nurses in Free Profession .
It ‘a kind of UBER for the category of the assistance under the Monti Decree of 16/12/2010 established the so-called “ Pharmacy 2.0 ” could give space and work with experienced colleagues and preparations of the boot.
Dr. Garzullino
Garzulino us must remember that Pharma-Care can be a useful tool at the disposal of Pharmacists and Nurses to increase access care and transform Pharmacy public or private place of supply to the place where book performance and nursing visits.
The initiative, which is being studied and that probably will be ready at the end of 2015, could join also Parapharmacies and Health.
How Nurses will be chosen to be sent to the home of the citizens?
Simple: through the geographical area of intervention, the type of services provided and certified, the availability timeslot or days, the speed of response to the request of the professional intervention.
Pharma-Care will have a graphical interface very simple and you will enter the system with a Log-In, which will allow owners of User ID and Password to access a restricted area for reservations and details of the interventions required.
Who we lose in economic and professional? All professionals who will not know to keep up with the times, the least prepared and most of all those who work in black or abusively.
“ The pharmacy must be on the side of the citizen and nurses – concluded Garzulino – and not the other way! . “
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