The ‘turnover’ arising from computer fraud exceeds that related to cocaine, heroin and marijuana.
In the world, according to Europol, the turnover for computer fraud, according to David Gubiani, Technical Manager Italy Check Point Software Technologies , is equal to 296 billion euro. Cybercrime market now has new tools from which to capture, not only money, but also data, contacts that can become more attractive for the purposes of an action of computer fraud.
With the advent and spread increasingly thrust Mobile “ all become subjects palatable, once infected devices can be stolen information maybe not immediately but definitely usable useful to be placed on a black market or as Plan ’bout to take a series of actions “. But who are the most responsible for the mobile security? According to a report on mobile security of Check Point Software Technologies are the employees themselves, the most imprudent.
David Gubiani
According to the report, 87% of professional respondents identified the biggest threat to the security of mobile devices in the limited attention of employees. But, despite the careless employees are seen as the weakest link in the companies, 91% of IT professionals has registered in the last two years an increase in the number of personal mobile devices that are connected to your network. In 2014, 56% of respondents managed corporate data on devices owned by employees, up from 37% in 2013.
According to the report, 2015 promises to be a year particularly at risk. Among respondents this year, 82% expect an increase in the number of security incidents. Moreover, almost all respondents (98%) expressed their concern related to the potential impact of a security incident Mobile, in particular regarding the theft or loss of information. 2014 saw an increase in costs due to recover from incidents of mobile security.
Among the IT managers surveyed, 42% estimated the cost over 250 thousand dollars due to these incidents for their organizations. The perceived security risk tied to the Android platform has increased from 49% in 2013 to 64% in 2014 – higher than Apple, Windows Mobile and Blackberry. Gubiani explains that it is possible to minimize the exposure of the device but, especially on Android devices, there is still a widespread distribution of security on the devices. In short, what hopes Gubiani is that any of us have available a tool cabinet is attentive to the fact that there are risks and inform. Gubiani does training in schools and tells of some cases that have occurred. “When I do training nelel schools – explains – I happen to see the guys and see how remain fascinated by what the story and what happens. The boys realized that the wrong operations committed with their device. “
From the corporate side happen to encounter bad behavior that employees commit outside the business context but then replicate in the corporate context. “Where missing security policies in the various offices or lacking political statements, or the computer is not updated, the malware attacks where there is greater vulnerability” , concludes Gubiani.
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