Sunday, January 4, 2015

Finance offers a software to pm. “So you will speed justice” –

Prometheus is a symbol of rebellion against the authority of the gods. Now a software created by three young financiers and ‘donated’ to the Attorney General in Milan challenge the elephantine justice organization. The system ‘Prometheus’ promises to accelerate the handling of 28 thousand practices and goes beyond the public-private dichotomy …

The system Prometheus has been prepared by the team of the State Attorney Laura Bertolè Viale (as recounted by giustiziami) in 2013. The idea was born to respond to the need to speed up the management of the office work, which often overwhelm (even literally) Legal and magistrates. The lawyer team, composed of Davide Carnevali, Luigi Cerulli and Damian Franco has so conceived and launched an innovative software able to give a clear cut the bloated timing management of cards and paperwork.

On directions employee, who then find themselves physically to store and manage practices almost always still on obsolete paper, the team was able to create a software that can handle even the 28 000 practices that lie in the office of the Attorney General in Milan. Prometheus, which looks like a normal website, is the key to replace the old paper records and is based on open source technologies. To this can also be used in other administrations.

An opportunity that can not do the throat of a world, that of justice, pegged at times painfully slow and that cost us more than a rebuke by European. And so, while the public spends millions to try to start the difficult process of computerization, here from private can get the solution …


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