Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Tax evasion: Here’s How municipalities Spiano Citizens with a … – Stylife.it (press release)

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It has been revealed in recent days the software that allows local authorities and the Towns of “ spy ” citizens and know instantly all their property, income declared and tax payments to compare and find any hidden income. According to the regulations in force in fact the ‘ Revenue Agency shares with municipalities all data of tax payments as F24 Tares / Tari, Ici / IMU, Tasi and Iscop, accounting summaries of payments of additional municipal surtax, data contract electricity and gas , the data contracts rental and declarations of succession, the credit bank for interventions of recovery of the housing and the declarations of income ((Act, 730, 760, 770, etc). After the merger with ‘ Land Agency now the Inland Revenue also shares the cadastral maps , the activities of paragraph 335 and 336, the pilings and changes, the Docfa, the entire urban cadastre and land, the list of buildings ghost recognized in 2011, the national archive civic and roads (ANCS), the acts telematic Pregeo, the consistency of the database municipal cadastral, mortgage inspections. The Big Date of PA, ie data relating to the government, are key to the government, are enormous variety and volume but must be “open” and “readable”, and it becomes necessary to take advantage of all this huge amount of information to improve services between the same PA and services for citizens and businesses. But not enough to make the information public: provide too much data, inconsistent and scattered means, in fact, it has not made public any, making it difficult to interpret and see. For this reason the local authorities to solve these problems are taking a software, called LoginPa (www.loginpa.it), which allows you to easily see all the enormous flood of data of P. A. relating to citizens and taxpayers with a speed of consultation impressive and costs for Local Authorities extremely accessible. Municipalities, for example, with the simplicity of Google Maps and Street View, by clicking on the roof of a property can see those who live and cascade receive a series of georeferenced data of the property is that of the entire family, managing to find their income , Balance Sheet , fees paid and discover any hidden income and unpaid taxes. Matteo Mauri , administrator Microservice, the startup that has created the software LoginPa , placing itself at the top of innovation digital of our country, declares: “ Make LoginPa to exploit and read the Big Data for Public Administration has been possible thanks to the sophisticated technology that have enabled us to read and unify data various databases and thanks to hardware and infrastructure of Google Cloud Platform we can have a robust and fast, unprecedented, so that you can share with thousands of municipalities without generating additional costs of computing for the Body “. “ This is only the beginning” continues still the Chief “we have entered into partnerships with University Master to create a wider team of Data Scientist to meet the need to make good use of the data and to make the best decisions to the general government “. “ Achieving this result was possible thanks to the synergy of all companies of the group that helped with specialized analysis and implementation of the system LoginPa ” concludes Mauri. If until now we have heard so much about Big Data, LoginPa is the first innovative and powerful tool that can fully exploit all the enormous potential. ### For interviews contact: www.loginpa.it

by drawing


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