Saturday, February 6, 2016

Xiaoice, the software that reads the emotions – BBC

Milan , February 6, 2016 – 23:52

” I’ll always love you because together we have grown. And you helped me to make me well. ” A declaration of love, even fairly trivial. The question is, can resuscitate a car? The film has already answered affirmatively in 2013 with the film “You,” from which comes the phrase uttered by the protagonist in the flesh to the persuasive voice of computing which is in love and that break your heart.

Microsoft is making the first steps in reality and managed to snatch a ‘i love you’ with Xiaoice, an artificial intelligence software, to 10 million people. The Redmond it is testing in China in WeChat, a messaging application similar to WhatsApp. Xiaoice talking (writing), interacts like a girl. He cares about (even) the feelings of his interlocutor. It was invited in 1.5 million of talk groups in the first 72 hours of “life” and has already had more than ten billion dollars in trade. And it succeeded, in fact, to make people feel at ease and pampered whoever was on the other side of the keyboard with the ability to recall the previous exchanges and snocciolarli to integrate the database pairs of questions and answers from actual conversations which to draw.

the head researcher of the project , Wang Yongdong, ensures that it is able to speak his mind on any subject and react exactly like a human being if you do not know or do not want to answer : imbarazzandosi. The fact that millions of people will turn to you every day without realizing that it is a machine, at least not in the first ten minutes, Wang did talk enthusiastically of the “largest in the history of the Turing test.” The reference is to the criterion developed British dall’informatico to see if a machine is or is not able to pass himself off as a person. With the project for now confined to the Asian country, Microsoft has focused on the human right to go beyond its voice assistant Cortana smartphone, similar to Apple’s Siri or Google Now in Mountain View, there is already rispondendoci meeting – to example – with the weather forecast, if stimulated about, the place where we are at that time without being explicit.

Amazon, to quote another of the forces, deploys its cilindrotto Echo, ready to be interrogated while you are at home and turn on the light or have starting a song. Mark Zuckerberg is preparing a butler handyman. And yet, the cars without drivers that within the next five years seem ready to populate our roads will be one of the most muscular expression of artificial intelligence. But is the new head of Google search John Giannandrea, industry expert, to have explained in very difficult times that the real “Holy Grail” is the ability to understand the language and make a summary, fundamental prerogatives and then throw it on sentimental how does Xiaoice. The appointment of Giannadrea, that from next February 26 will replace the veteran Amit Singhal at the top of the most important search engine in the world, is a further demonstration of how everything points in the direction of autonomous choices and weighted by programs that promise to make our lives easier. Google Search, for example, relies on artificial intelligence already RankBrain the system to react to the words you do not know the meaning: he goes fishing a potentially similar term, and is thus able to process the request that was made. Remaining in Google Home, Photo recognizes and categorizes the user clicks.
The way to start a relationship and live in all respects as in “You,” it is still long. But, now, it was embarked on.

6 February 2016 (edited February 6, 2016 | 23:52)



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