Thursday, March 17, 2016

Apple says no to the release of the iPhone: would endanger … – Retro Online (press release) (Registration)

33 pages to explain their reasons: Apple’s answer

Apple is said to be contrary to create a software that can unlock the smartphone without having the corresponding code.

it was all started from the request of unlock the iPhone of the aggressor of the massacre of San Bernardino , creating a software that can do it; but the Cupertino company refuses to create it. The issue is very complicated: on the one hand, concerns the right of the authorities to obtain further information on cases and suspects; on the other, it is a violation of the privacy of Apple users, who would see crumbling the protection of your data on your device.

The lawyers representing the company apple have presented thus a 33-page document which states that “ Forcing Apple to create software to reduce the iPhone’s security would endanger the privacy of hundreds of millions of people . ” According to Tim Cook , the number one apple, a software of this type “ would be equivalent to a “: it seems that the US-based company founded by Steve Jobs Cupertino , Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne in 1976 did not budge from their beliefs. And it reiterates declaring that even the founding fathers of a United States of America would remain “ shocked ” from a similar demand, calling on order constituent principles Use.

in the hearing expected next Tuesday, the US giant attacks the government, who believes that the courts may order private parties” ..d i do whatever comes to mind to the Department of Justice and FBI “. He adds, “ The Department of Justice and the FBI are seeking an order from this court that would force Apple to create exactly the type of operating system that Congress has so far refused to take. They are asking this court to resolve a political issue that is dividing the various agencies of the executive branch, as well as the Congress . ” Should be Congress to decide whether the authorities can ask whether or not a particular type of collaboration in the course of criminal investigations.

Tuesday, in court in Riverside where the hearing will take place between the Department of Justice, assisted by the FBI, and Apple, we will know what will be the final verdict. Win the privacy of users of the bitten apple, or the opportunity to know details about the determinants suspects around the world who have an iPhone?



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