Friday, June 12, 2015

Application economy: companies increasingly dependent on software – Data Manager Online

New research from CA Technologies highlights a growing reliance on software provided by companies over the next 36 months

The results of the international study The Battle for Competitive Advantage in the App Economy , commissioned by CA Technologies , noted the need for acceleration by companies that today have to compete in what is defininta economy applications.

With the increasing dependence on the software highlighted by the companies in each sector, reducing the time required to bring to market high-quality applications become a crucial element to stand out from the competition. 43% of the respondents believes that today the transformation of each company in a company whose business is mainly based on software represents a fundamental lever for competitive advantage – rising to 78% if we consider a time horizon three years.

More agility and time-to-market faster are the two main strategic factors that emerged from the responses of the companies surveyed in regard to the factors that can create a real competitive advantage in the application economy. According to respondents, this transformation to business models and operating increasingly dependent on software has a significant effect on the decision-making time: 45% consider it already a reality today, while 61% believe it will materialize in the next three years.

Designed by Oxford Economics, the research is based on a survey on the application strategy and its impact on company results conducted among top managers around the world. The findings clearly show that companies are adapting to the rhythms increasingly supported the new requirements dictated by the economy of the applications, take the opportunity to revisit the concepts of differentiation and competitive advantage.

“It is encouraging to see that the European organizations are ahead in adopting and understanding of the potential of the Application Economy, “said Marco Comastri, President and General Manager EMEA at CA Technologies .

According to the results Worldwide, the growing reliance on software has a positive effect on the market share (47%), on the development of new products and services (42%) and financial results (36%) – all dates trends in acceleration by managers interviewed.

Among the other findings in evidence:

– More than half of the respondents (51%) claims to have invested in new forms of software (mobile app, software operated by API, etc.) in the last three years, while a slightly lower percentage declares that he intends to increase the level of investment over the next three years

– The 54% is drawing up new strategies for customer interaction

– As part of the strategic role given to the software, 49% of the sample interviewed is reporting in the company much of the software development and 47% is considering or has already planned a strategy of M & A for enhance the capability of application development

“For a company is no longer enough to have products or services of superior quality. Nowadays, the success depends on the ability to offer a better customer experience, “he said Otto Berkes, chief technology officer of CA Technologies . “The digital transformation taking place in the companies imposes the need to leverage customer experience ─ key differentiator in today’s Application Economy”.

Despite the ongoing transformation has already reached high levels, the peak is not yet it has been touched. The results of this survey would seem to indicate that in fact the most significant changes are yet to come.

Based on the information that emerged from the research, they were identified seven points that represent the “rules of engagement” to be observed to ensure competitive advantage:

1. Be prepared to go against the current – When organizational change is inevitable, it is also admitted some stretch the rules. And the change is under way, at great speed. Nearly half of respondents believe that a greater orientation to the use of software shorten decision times, while another 37% recognizes the profound impact on operations inside.

2. Making the most value from the data – The managers surveyed believe that their ability to direct marketing to be effective (59% of the calls even ‘very effective’ or ‘very effective’), but only a few (the 22% of the sample) claim to be able to draw all the necessary information – such as customer preferences.

3. Learn to listen – Knowing how to use social media it is crucial to engage with customers and business partners. More than 40% of the respondents believed the capacity essential in this new scenario. However, it is important to remember that these tools are not only new ways to disseminate information, but they are also very useful for gathering information outside the public domain.

4. Guard jealously data with the knowledge of what you are protecting – The protection of customer data is a fundamental rule, so that businesses are investing in more generous budget and the purchase of new instruments for fulfill this obligation. 60% of managers surveyed responded to spend more and more in the security of customer data. An even greater percentage invested in the protection of internal company information.

5. Innovate collaboration – In the economy of the applications the old barriers within the organization are no longer eligible. Almost half of the respondents replied that the collaboration between top managers and safety managers of the business can create new business opportunities.

6 Give customers what they want – Customers expect fast and intuitive ways of interacting. Not tolerate out of service, loss of data or software download times than a few seconds. In light of the increase in revenues from new forms of interaction with customers scheduled for the next three years, responding to growing expectations is a necessity in life.

7 Remember that culture and business strategy not always go hand in hand – The resistance to change within the company is a frequent phenomenon. Almost 40% of managers surveyed said the main obstacle to the acquisition of new skills in software development and application is often represented by a corporate culture that works against.


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