Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Autism: get the software to ” break ” moods – Weather Web


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Autism: get the software ” deciphering “the mood

The project, developed by children with autism supported by a team of experts, plays a 3d avatar in the different facial expressions: an exercise in which ‘train’ the ‘user to know how to’ read ‘moods A software, programmed by a team of boys with autism’ high-functioning ‘, to help other people with the same problem to associate moods and feelings in different facial expressions: the program plays in sequence, on a face Avatar in 3D, a variety ‘of facial poses that serve the person with autism to learn to’ decode ‘the various expressions of his features. The experience and ‘was made in L’Aquila: and’ one of the first in Europe to be designed to ” internal ‘autistic disorder’ cause made by sufferers, along the path of experimentation and will be ‘made in L’Aquila on Friday ‘next, June 19, during a meeting with a significant presence, such as Maria Luisa Scattoni, Istituto Superiore di Sanita’ and Stefano Vicari hospital Bambino Gesu ‘in Rome, one of the big international issues of autism. The software, whose use is part of a pilot project, and ‘was conceived and developed by 4 young people with autism, two of Teramo and two of L’Aquila, between 20-25 years, [...]


16/06/2015 17:45:29


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A software, programmed by a team of boys with autism ‘high-functioning’, to help other people with the same issue to associate moods and feelings in different facial expressions: the program plays in sequence, on a face Avatar in 3D, a variety ‘of facial poses that serve the person with autism to learn to’ decode ‘the various expressions of features. The experience and ‘was made in L’Aquila: and’ one of the first in Europe to be designed to ” internal ‘autistic disorder’ cause made by sufferers, along the path of experimentation and will be ‘made in L’Aquila on Friday ‘next, June 19, during a meeting with a significant presence, such as Maria Luisa Scattoni, Istituto Superiore di Sanita’ and Stefano Vicari hospital Bambino Gesu ‘in Rome, one of the big international issues of autism. The software, whose use is part of a pilot project, and ‘was conceived and developed by 4 young people with autism, two of Teramo and two of L’Aquila, between 20-25 years, assisted by teams of university neuroscience Prof. Monica Mazza, and followed in their path to recovery from the regional center of reference for autism led by prof. Marco Valenti.

 autism This and ‘also the organizer of the conference on Friday’ next, entitled ‘In search of evidence in autism spectrum disorders’ , to be held ‘in the university campus of torque, assembly hall building’ Alan Turing ‘(block zero), from 9 to 17.30. “One of the major difficulties ‘of people with autism – Valenti says, – and’ related to the recognition of various facial expressions with which they convey emotions and feelings such as joy, anger, worry, wonder. The program allows you to ‘decipher’ the various expressions of his features. An exercise in which ‘train’ the user and develop in him the ability ‘to’ read ‘moods and feelings. Everything ‘is part of an experimental project, of which we will evaluate the results, and that’ one of the first in Europe in general. ” The conference will intervene ‘Gabriele Masi, of the department of clinical neurosciences’ Stella Maris’ of Pisa, the director of the mental health department of the ASL 1 Abruzzo, Vittorio Sconci, prof. Alessandro Rossi University ‘of L’Aquila, head of the department of psychiatry at the San Salvatore. During the work on Friday ‘next, however, will be’ presented another instrument purchased from ASL 1, called eye-tracker: and ‘a hardware, through a monitor, allows to investigate the directionality’ of the look of the person with autism through the motions eye and then to establish intensity ‘and cognitive content of the ocular fixation. An investment in technology prerogative of very few structures in advanced diagnostic and clinical research of the syndrome. The center for autism of San Salvatore Aquila following the rehabilitation dozens of users (some structures in semi, with other custom programs) that provides the path to taking charge. Each year the service of the Eagle performs over 400 day hospital and hundreds of outpatient services but are more and more ‘requests, a sign of increased awareness on the part of the families concerned and increasing needs’ intervention, even to relieve family burden in situations of greater gravity ‘. A part of the conference will be ‘dedicated to these aspects and organizational strategies in ASL Avezzano-Sulmona-Eagle.

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