Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Apple, software patents to erase bad words from the audio – Blasting News

An important step forward for the reduction of vulgar terms in the text of the songs and the sound that would allow for a broader segment of the public enjoyment of all content even without the need to first control (think for example the use of multimedia content by minors). According to Business Insider, would Apple to want to present the patent although not yet known if the project will continue or whether it is already nearing completion. But it seems that the official radio Apple is already with the benefit of this possibility: versions and traces of songs in the ‘new’ version are already doing spreading in the days of his listeners. Not only App and mobile then. Let’s see the details of the news as well as learn from the known site and the Ansa updates Today April 6, 2016 at 16:36 hours.

Apple, scans and removes vulgar terms

The patented technology from the home Cupertino would be able to scan and eliminate vulgar language from audio books , then the multimedia content, streaming songs, audio books, including replacing them with the words of the current language. As reported by Business Insider, Apple would have presented last week a particular patent software that would bring a number of important changes in the control of music and audio content, such as the books often used by younger audiences, including children themselves. Particular importance also assumes a functionality of the device, or to create a kind of clean copy and to be able to retransmit no vulgar terms or improper. This means that you can also make use of relevant content, but remain unusable due to the presence of terms not suitable for young people – think, for example, at schools, in which a teacher is forced not to listen to the lyrics because full of advertising or other content vulgar terms – and to be able to transmit another version. The aim would therefore be to have a ‘clean’ version of a ‘dirty song’.

The new Apple software ‘cleans up dirty songs’

It’s been two years since that 2014 when the patent was born with the name ‘ Management, Replacement and Removal of Explicit Lyrics During Audio Playbook ‘. Demand for Apple was published in the database Use even if you have not sure news on whether or not the project; or even less if the creator of the house of the device intends to use it to create a marketable system in a short time. Waiting to have more information on the developments and uses of the Home Cupertino of the new software, it seems that the famous radio station Apple Music , is already airing of audio tracks and texts in the version ‘transformed’ and ‘cleaned’ by vulgar terms. Which is already experiencing the instrumentation and procedures for amendment, deletion and substitution of all the bad words of the lyrics of the songs ? One thinks of the possibility of ‘re-create’ the texts, so that it is accessible to the widest section of the population; and not just about users on the radio or the pc, but especially for study tools, such as those that can be viewed in streaming, even by children. Would yield in terms of time in the control and greater security of web browsing even the very young. If you want to stay up to date, click ‘Follow’ top on your left ‘and / or voted on the news by clicking on one of the 5 stars in the upper right corner.


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