a fleet of fighter jet from 379 billion dollars, and a failure in computer software for logistics cost 16.7 billion (the so-called ALIS) that could compromise their use. The odyssey of the F35, the gems of war by US giant Lockheed Martin requested by the armies of half the world (and sorted among the controversies by the Italian State), seems to come to a delicate point at least, that between denials and clarifications still casts further shadows on a project by stratospheric interest.
analysis to expose the problem was the US congressional research Group (GAO), which developed two unflattering reports on planes (he also talked about the British magazine “Business Insider”); in particular the study highlights the lack of a data backup system, or the ability to replicate and not lose valuable information in case of attack or failure: a not insignificant detail, including the importance given that nowadays the computer programs in warplanes. L ‘ Autonomic Logistics Information System is effectively the “brain” of the fighter-bomber, which allows and controls programming of the mission, the pilot operations, the margin for error and configuration, allowing even the maintenance ground staff, before and after the flight. The ALIS data will be managed from a single operations center in Fort Worth, Texas. Without an adequate backup system, it would be enough to make a mistake “blind” the F35. The report also highlights the difficulty of the system in communicating with jet oldest building and a concern for information security. All nodes that should be dissolved shortly before the start of series production of the aircraft.
the risks and protection the Gao warned the Pentagon that the monumental weapons project will face difficult software testing and reliability for the coming years, and that the problems of the ALIS system (this is only the latest of several that emerged in recent months) are likely to increase exponentially costs, in a order from 20 to 100 billion dollars. Yet another “bomb” exploded in the US for several days, and to make matters worse we thought the director of the Department of Defense for system evaluation, Michael Gilmore, who spoke of “numerous critical of ALIS and architecture complex with likely and largely non-computer deficiencies warheads. ” Once again, the Pentagon is defended, talking about “new refinements” and ideally additional version of ALIS, more stable: the official version states that “although not yet powerful, the software will not prevent the F35 to continue flying ‘ . The head of the program, the general Chris Bogdan, in January had already stated annoyed that the fighter could fly at least 30 days without using the computer system for logistics.
previous In recent years the F35 have been the focus of criticism because of the many technical problems concerning radar, the alarm system, the meters and the sensitivity of the aircraft to lightning. Even helmets are available for pilots showed visual deficiencies. But to finish accused was especially the navigation software, that a recent attempt to hack revealed rather weak: it is feared that a hostile country in the future can really develop programs able to cancel the entire computer system of hunting and shoot it down without firing a shot. Too much trouble, in short, for a project that the US called it unprecedented. According to government figures, the cost of production of the F35 would be increased from 2010 to date up to 65 percent. But Lockheed Martin denies and revises downward by 20 percent the figure. The fighter-bombers of the fifth generation will be abandoned only in 2070.
The economic partners and Italy The project of the F35 are economically attended the UK, Australia, Canada, the Netherlands , Norway, Denmark, Turkey and Italy. Our country has contributed a billion euro, and drew up an agreement for the purchase, measured in years, of 90 F35, 38 of which will be purchased by 2020, at a cost of about 13 billion euro (ie about 150 million euro each.)
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