Friday, April 22, 2016

Hacking Team: The Government confirms the withdrawal … – The Daily

All confirmed. As had anticipated in an article in the April 6 , re-launched in the days following the Washington Post in the United States and the Spiegel in Germany. The Ministry of Economic Development “in relation to the changing” political conditions in some countries of destination, “informed firm Hacking Team that instead of individual global Authorisation , which was, therefore, revoked , will now, in which case he meant to export their products duals in third countries to the EU, using the instrument of ‘ specific authorization individual “. He clarified Undersecretary Ivan Scalfarotto responding to a question the congresswoman Adriana Galgano civic Choice, on relations between the company led by David Vincenzetti and Egypt, which appeared in the list of the 46 States to which it had been granted by the Mise cybersecurity company based in Milan the green light to the marketing of remote control system ‘Galileo’ , the system that allows you to spy remote data and information passing on computers and smartphones.

YELLOW Regeni – has Scalfarotto also clarified that since the lifting of global (taken on March 31), “the successive exports of dual-use goods (used in the field both civil and military , ed) that the mentioned company would like to do in the future, can be achieved only if you release on the advice of the Advisory Committee issued each time , on the basis of a specific order or contract. ” As the RCS Galileo, in his question, the Galgano explained that its supervisory systems “allow the monitoring of User communications Internet , decrypt their files and their e-mail encrypted, record conversations telephone, Skype and other communications Voice over IP , to remotely activate microphones and cameras on the computers targeted, keep control mobile phones (phone, address books , texting, travel, calendars, etc.), read and detect anomalies in the world of social network . ” Proposing suspect that one of these systems may have been used to control Giulio Regeni , the Italian researcher killed in Egypt. Country listed, added the deputy of Sc, “the list of 46 States towards which Italian society Hacking Team (who in July suffered the illegitimate intrusion and disclosure of 400 gigabytes of highly confidential file) had obtained, April 3, 2015, the green light to the marketing of software “and” two months ago the scene of a tough tussle with Italy that seeks clarification the murder of the young. “

RECIPIENTS UNKNOWN – For this Galgano asked to know even if the Mise “has deepened in which Egyptian governmental organization the software was intended and whether there are elements to exclude that it was used in some way against Regeni “. Question it, however, remained incredibly unanswered . Even considering that the dual-use goods may be connected to proliferation of weapons of mass destruction . “I highlight that since the authorization issued to individual global type, the latter, not prescribe a prior study sull’end user (the end-user, ed ) by the Authority issuing the decision giving authorization, “he explained Scalfarotto. That is, the authorization would be released without knowing to whom materially software was intended (government, police, army, intelligence, etc.) both in Egypt and in the other 45 countries included in the total granted to Hacking Team. However, the new Secretary for Economic Development has pointed out that “any authorization which is issued” by Mise “for the export of dual use technology goods must be accompanied by a favorable opinion on the same authorization, the Advisory Committee “composed” of representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Economy and Finance, Defence, Interior, Education universities research, Health, the customs Agency and the economical progress”. forgetting to add an additional detail: the opinion of the Committee (as provided by Legislative Decree 96 of 2011, cited by the same Scalfarotto in his response), is “ mandatory but not binding .” The last word, therefore, remains with the Mise.

RIGHTS VIOLATED – According to the undersecretary, finally, “the presence of representatives of various Ministries lets have a very complete spectrum of assessment and related to every aspect of the operation of the same export, including respect for human rights . ” To which Egypt, like many others included in the list of 46, is certainly not an example for the civilized world. Not surprisingly, according to the Amnesty International Report , since the installation of President Abd al-Fattah al-Sisi took place on 8 June 2014, an already serious situation of human rights has been progressively deteriorating . A detail that, obviously, the Mise must have escaped April 3, 2015 when he released the global permission, later revoked, to Hacking Team.

Twitter: @Antonio_Pitoni



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