Towards BE wizard!
The customer? Now cultivates software
Alessio Semoli
tells the secrets of the “marketing automation”
Until recently, the relationship between customer and company required a few phone calls and several emails before bringing the deal at home, now most of the process can be handled by software. It’s called “Marketing Automation”, a new system, which in Italy is becoming increasingly popular, created to transform the user into a customer through the analysis of data, and to improve their time management. A “small industrial revolution ‘that enables companies to streamline their operations by automating some of their processes. By delegate certain functions to an app that can answer all customer inquiries, when Sending targeted offers to consumers based on their browsing. On this Alessio Semoli, digital communications expert and new media, has written a book, “Marketing Automation” (Hoepli, 2015). Is founder of PranaVentures, reality of Italian Venture Capital, and will discuss this issue in Rimini on April 16th for the 8th edition of Be Wizard, the two days dedicated to web marketing training. What is meant by marketing automation?
“It is nothing but a way to automate the process using all the digital marketing levers. In fact what is happening a bit ‘in all areas where you delegate to machines the most repetitive tasks, thus recovering the time at our disposal. In addition to the mechanical, so it can be much more efficient. We can communicate with customers at all times, make predictions, automate content, make suggestions and do other activities, that on a human level would not be possible to do. Who makes the most of these techniques has huge competitive advantage over competitors in the industry in which it operates. ”
How can be used the online data that can be collected by a company?
“The data on users are the foundation on which every company should revise its business model / offer. Today the consumer is able to say what he likes, what he would like and what he needs to be satisfied and also repurchase in the future. Do not look at this information is to go blindly or, as often happened, to be guided by emotions. In 2016 instead of the realities that work are those so-called ‘data-driven’, or guided by the numbers. ”
With all this information available on customers, there is a risk of invading their privacy?
“Privacy is an issue that always faces when it comes to data online, but the information collected can also be anonymous. For example many times you can analyze a behavior of a user without knowing necessarily what it’s called. But in the case of customer loyalty activities of automation, you have your information because he himself has given consent. Then how everything important is the intent with which you approach, because each instrument can be used properly or wrong way. ”
How can you automate your online business?
“First of all you must have a strategy in precise and clear mind. You have to try it, to understand what are the ingredients and find the right chemistry that runs the process. And once there, we are convinced, we can begin to automate. Do it before it would mean automating a model is wrong, leading to loss of resources. ”
How do you combine automation with the world of tourism?
“Tourism is one of the areas where much applies process automation for the management of customers and prospects. For example in the field of tenders it is important not simply to send a quote for a trip and expect you to acknowledge it or not. Today, the offer has to be aggressive and appropriate to a consumer who is increasingly in demand: it is important to send emails in a balanced manner, and then to present the benefits, current offers and ask for feedback. ”
As it turns the user into a customer?
“On this issue, it is increasingly important to the scope of the Lead nurturing, namely ‘nourishment of contact’, ie to make sure that a user, just arrived on its website, is’ fed content ‘. You have to give him all the information that can boost his confidence in the brand and service. In this way the consumer can be loyal and buy products, of which perhaps the beginning he was not even sure. ”
How can you make the most of email marketing campaign?
“These days, a customer loyalty today is an arduous task, especially in the digital world. This is the main lever on which acts e-mail marketing to marketing automation, which is the means by which it communicates with the outside. With it we can act on the customer, for example by sending his best wishes for his birthday, perhaps by attaching an offer, or if for months our user who bought a regular one is no longer repeated, we can send them a message to try to recover it. ” What are the most relevant figures in this system?
“Any company, large or small, that has to do with the world of digital marketing needs to evolve. There comes a time where it is important to begin to mechanize the process. In Italy this approach has developed, and continues to be more and more. When you start it is very important not to be afraid of making mistakes, the error is part of the route and need because you learn what not to do to reach the goal. ”
Francesca Candioli
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