Saturday, April 2, 2016

Twitter and wine. Software can sense if you are drunk – RDS 100% Grandi Successi

Twitter and wine should be separated, because in addition to the risk of writing and sharing phrases you then regret it, now there is also software that can sense if you drunk. Twittering social network has implemented an algorithm to distinguish messages shared by those who raised the elbow.

The software developed is able to distinguish whether the 140 characters ready to be cinguettati web, owned by a hand guided by clear thinking or not.
Twitter in fact – in the space of his 10 years of life – has managed to provide a data mining useful to academia: i launched and shared messages have been used to study political polls, check the places where they are widespread influences or epidemics. Now Twitter will sense if you are drunk: the software is able to measure the level of blood-alcohol level of a country.

The study, conducted by a group of ‘ University of Rochester , New York has created an algorithm capable of providing fully automated learn if the writer is doing as drunk. The information included in the company were analyzed to distinguish the tweets sent by drunken users or less. They were collected and geolocated more than 11,000 tweets, posted between 2013 and 2014 in the city of New York and neighboring areas. The software was able to highlight posts by tipsy users, subsequently geo-localized areas from which they were sent confirming the presence of parties and party-based alcoholic beverages. Twitter and wine do not get along very well.
The study was published in arXiv .


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