Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The uncertainty of the fight against tax evasion Tar on new software – Il Tirreno

CECINA. The socket is likely to be less tight than announced. The fight against tax evasion and avoidance in the field of services on individual demand, taxes would have to take off a quantum leap for incisiveness with the entry into operation of the new management suite. An investment in the order of 200,000 Euros for the municipal administration of Cecina. All done. Race successful. Unless the appeal to the Regional Administrative Court of Tuscany (TAR) presented by the company excluded.

Setting up the new software requires at least seven months. It is to transfer all the data of the files and verify that nothing is lost and everything is in the right place. A time required, which must add up the uncertainty of justice. “For now there is no request for a stay so we move forward – said the Head of Budget Federico Cartei -. The final award was made. ” In short, 2016 is going away, and in the offices you work with the usual tools.

Management Suite fully integrated web type. This is the technical term for software that promises to talk to all the offices in the same language. A Copernican revolution and not at all obvious. “We have databases that between them they can not talk – said the commissioner Cartei -. And this is due to the fact that the computerization of the data was made at different times. It now needs to make it all work with a single mode. ” What will change? “The controls will be more effective and timely. For example, if we receive a request for an exemption we can cross the balance sheet of the applicant and establish whether they are entitled. Or check payments relating to driveways and evaluate what would be the impact of a rate. “

The winners of the supply the Maggs Spa who made the most economically advantageous tender with a fall of 10 , 21% with respect to the base of 191,000 EUR race. While at present the appeal to the TAR for cancellation prior suspension of the tender procedure is the company Infor Arezzo.

Registry, taxes, accountancy, social and school services. Everything will end in a single database. And from each location and office working mode will be common. “The 2016 is a year of passage, necessary for the transfer of data from the old to the new software – supports Cartei -. The goal is to be fully operational from January 2017. On the technical level, this would still be needed. To get to close the accounts of this exercise the offices should still work with the old software. ”


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