The Five Star Movement still shocked for the death of Gianroberto Casaleggio , the guide together with Beppe Grillo Party , which was crucial mentor and advisor for the past eleven years (since 2005, year of foundation of the successful comedian of the blog). On the other hand, the death of the leader-founder, for a party, always something traumatic, that inevitably marks radical changes. Now everyone is asking: who will take the scepter of leadership of the Movement? Given that Grillo had announced a few weeks ago of wanting to take a step back, between the two main eligible candidates, Luigi Di Maio and Roberto Fico , check though a robot: Rousseau . A software that Casaleggio worked assiduously over the last years of life. Let’s see how it works.
Who will take the place of Casaleggio? Perhaps Rousseau
The news article this morning, Friday, April 15, de “Il Giornale” . Rousseau is a technological brain can handle all the dynamics of the Five Star Movement. Think of the Legislative Proposals in the Parliament, the militant training , the various Primary to designate candidates for each institutional level, until ‘ digital activism. to manage this huge software there will, of course, Beppe Grillo and the son of Gianroberto Casaleggio, David . Moreover, both are owners of all the “shop”. A kind of “cyber weapon” to allow the comedian and “Casaleggio associated” to preserve the motion control.
The challenges facing the M5S
Of course, the challenges that await Five stars in the coming years are many and hard . Starting with the upcoming local elections, which are held in many important Italian towns . And, paradoxically, the most important test, that of Rome, even data are ahead in the polls. In addition, in two years there will be elections, another important test. After these two years, the Movement will understand if it will be really ready to do something more about simple opposition and management of some cities, or whether it will be permanently relegated to the role of mentor political system. Consequently, it remains to be seen whether the death of Casaleggio well mark the political death of Pentastellati.
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