Monday, April 27, 2015

Acca Software presents Impiantus SMOKE-CS and Impiantus … – Edilportale

‘). AppendTo ($ (‘ .fb_socialContainer ‘)); // September FB = undefined is Necessary Because there is a conflict Among FB sdk used by the Like button // and old share button That may be included in the page Already FB = undefined; } Var googlePlusOne = $ (‘

‘). AppendTo ($ (‘.google_socialContainer’)); $ (‘ Recommend on Google ‘). AppendTo ($ (‘.google_socialContainer’)); var onGoogleSDKGot = function () {gapi.plusone.render ($ (“#googlePlusOne”). get (0) {“size”, “medium”, “href”: ‘’ , “count”: “false”}); }; if (typeof (GAPI)! = ‘undefined’) { (); } Else {$ .ajax ({async: false, type: “GET”, url: “”, date: null, error: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {}, success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) { ();}, dataType: ‘script’}); }; twetterFollow var = $ (”) .appendTo ($ (‘.twitter_socialContainer’));
     var extractParamFromUri = function (uri, paramName) {
       if (! uri) {
       var uri = uri.split (‘#’) [0]; // Remove anchor.
       var parts = uri.split (‘?’); // Check for query params.
       if (parts.length == 1) {
       var query = decodeURI (parts [1]);
       // Find url param.
       paramName + = ‘=’;
       var params = query.split (‘& amp;’);
       for (var i = 0, param, param = params [i]; i ++) {
         if (param.indexOf (paramName) === 0) {
           return unescape (param.split (‘=’) [1]);
     var onTwitterSDKGot = function () {
           try {
    (‘follow’, null);
           catch (e) {}
  (‘follow’, function (event) {
             // Debugger;
             if (event) {
               var TargetURL;
               if ( & amp; & amp; == ‘IFRAME’) {
                 TargetURL = extractParamFromUri (, ‘url’);
               _gaq.push (['_ trackSocial', 'twitter', 'tweet', TargetURL]);
     $ .ajax ({
       async: false,
       type: “GET”,
       url: “”
       date: null,
       error: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
       success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
         // ();
       dataType: ‘script’
     // Debugger;
     facebookLike var = $ (‘ ‘). appendTo ($ (‘ .fb_socialContainer ‘)); var onFacebookSDKGot = function () {FB.init ({appId: ‘132,616,766,822,932’, status: true, cookie: true, XFBML: true}); FB.XFBML.parse ($ (‘#fbEdilLike’). Get (0)); FbLoginStatus // function (response) {// debugger; FB.getLoginStatus (function (response) {if (response.status! = “Unknown”) {$ (‘.fb_socialContainer’). Css ({‘height’: ’70px’}); $ (‘.newSocialContainer’). css ({‘height’: ‘205px’});} else {$ (‘.fb_socialContainer’). css ({‘height’: ’25px’}); $ (‘.newSocialContainer’). css ({‘height ‘:’ 160px ‘});}}); } // //FB.getLoginStatus(fbLoginStatus); }; cultureExtended = ‘en_US’; if (typeof (FB)! = ‘undefined’) { (); } Else {$ .ajax ({async: false, type: “GET”, url: “” cultureExtended + + “/all.js”, date: null, error: function ( date, textStatus, jqXHR) {}, success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) { ();}, dataType: ‘script’}); }} $ (Window) .load (function () {setTimeout (showSocialButtons, 200);});




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