Wednesday, April 22, 2015

born mlsopen, software fiaip doing work agencies –

a software through which real estate agents can collaborate in online trading, sharing a portfolio of thousands of properties with the aim of increasing their turnover and to speed up their business. it is mlsopen, drafted by fiaip (Italian federation professional real estate agents) and available from April 28

talking about this software, the president fiaip paul staves said: “it is estimated that every real estate agent adhering to project, with the mls will triple the turnover, despite giving up a part of their commissions in favor of the partners. ” the initials mls stands for “multiple listing service”

Simply put, entering into an agency connected to the system will be like entering simultaneously in hundreds of agencies, all ready to work together with the goal of meeting the needs customer. so the customer can contact all’mls to buy, sell or rent any type of property, although in another city or abroad

Staves explained that it is a unique and innovative project in its kind, which aims to develop new business opportunities for all real estate agents Italians willing to share information and collaborate with each other, making the network and thus pushing the growth of the real estate market


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