Thursday, December 10, 2015

Hype 3.5, updated Mac software to create animations HTML5 – Macity (Blog)

Create HTML5 animations is even easier with Hype 3.5, the new version of the application for OS X created by former Apple employees.

The software Tumult house (company founded by former Apple employees) has released version 3.5 of Hype, application that allows you to create animations and interactive HTML5 pages. Developers continue to improve the already excellent program, integrating features that let you create effects of various types without programming.

Among the novelties of this release Waypoint actions that allow animations and events to take action when the ‘user scrolls a specific portion of a webpage. The Backdrop Filters emulate some styles of iOS returning useful in prototyping mobile apps. The new Flexible Layout mode allows documents to automatically adapt to a wide range of devices of various sizes.

Of particular interest is the ability to access the library from Monotype fonts 50,000 fonts of all types used on the Web and easily integrated into your documents by using the credentials of access to the site in question.

An export function allows you to customize the advanced content by reducing the “weight” of the exported files. According to the developers a new rendering method was used to optimize animations and these require less powerful CPU than before.

Target of this application are the designers who want to add effects to the sites, developers prepare content for iOS and HTML5 coders looking for easy ways to add animation and interactivity. Supported the latest features of HTML5 / CSS3, keyframe based animations, animations based on the recording of the shares, with specific functions to create movements and transitions. You do not need to know code to work with the program but the animation feature may possibly be extended using JavaScript APIs.

Hype 3.5 is sold at EUR 49.99 on the Mac App Store. The minimum requirement is OS X 10.8 or below. The Professional version incorporates additional features (activated as in-app purchase from the base). The update is free for those in possession of the previous release.



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