Thursday, May 28, 2015

IRAP 2015: the online software –


Online on the site of the ‘Inland Revenue new software for the compilation and submission of the model IRAP 2015 and the procedure of control: can be found in the section dedicated to the model IRAP / 2015. The software allows you to build IRAP 2,015 fill in the template on the regional tax on productive activities and create its file to be sent electronically .

= & gt; Statements IRAP 2015: technical specifications for sending

The technology used enables the application directly from the web, in a simple and intuitive, with the certainty that you always use the latest version. To use the software you must use the Java Virtual Machine version 1.7 , downloadable on the website of the Inland Revenue. Supported operating systems: Windows 7, Windows, and Windows Vista, Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora and Red Hat 9), Mac OS X 10.8 and above.

Same requirements for the control software, which allows to highlight errors or inconsistencies between the data in the model declaration IRAP / 2015 and its annexes and the guidance provided by the technical specifications and the circular control. The procedures are different for authorized users or not the eServices of the Revenue. Users abiliati to Fisconline must install the application FileInternet, registered users to Entratel using the application Entratel, while users who are not enabled to telematic services can take advantage of the applications directly from the web. (Source: Inland Revenue)

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