Friday, May 1, 2015

Sector Studies: online software parameters 2015 –

Sector Studies

Available online, on the website of the Inland Revenue, the software parameters 2015 for the calculation of profits and payments, the computer application with which business , professional and self-employed that operate a business, arts or professions for which have not been approved for Sector Studies , or have been approved but not extensible operating conditions inapplicable to the parameters in accordance with art. 1, paragraphs 181 to 189 of Law n. 549/1995, to estimate revenues or payments made in the year 2014 and relevant for the purposes of the investigation.

= & gt; Sector Studies 2015: the news

Parameters 2015 allows entrepreneurs and professionals to adapt spontaneously to the results of the parameters revenues, fees and turnover declared, thus avoiding any tax audits. The determination of the excess revenues or higher remuneration is based on the value of variables accounting characteristics of the taxpayer and the combination of various statistical and mathematical techniques.

= & gt; Sector Studies: official revisions in 2015

Please note that this is a free software can also be used on 64-bit PC and downloaded by following the path “Home / What to do / State / Sector studies and parameters / Parameters / Production / Parameters 2015 “. For more information or technical assistance taxpayers can contact the green number 800279107 from Monday to Friday from 8 to 18, Saturday from 8 to 14.

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