Saturday, December 13, 2014

It is in the software the island of Utopia – The Press

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 Article taken from the edition on newsstands the day 13/12/2014 .


It is in the software the island of Utopia


 App generation that sees the future in the US and Europe of Piketty all inequality

In the essay Generation App (Feltrinelli, pp. 215, € 18) , Howard Gardner and Katie Davis recall how young sixties were shaped by politics, those of the eighties by the economy and the boys of the XXI century defined by technology. Utopia is not asked to Marx or Wall Street, but the software. The change is not technical, but cultural identity technology is, as long feared by the philosopher Emanuele Severino. If American technology, Silicon Valley and Shale gas is spring … more

 Gianni Riotta

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The App generation that sees the future in the US and Europe of Piketty all inequality

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