Monday, November 2, 2015

School and free software. The complicated relationship – Courier Communications


Sonia Montegiove, President of Libreitalia

 Between school and free software is definitely called to Facebook, a complicated relationship. Different solids and sample marriages that have also led to valuable community of practice, but probably more frequent schools singles, those that choose proprietary solutions maybe different from school to school, so as not to share the good that you can to experience.

 Demand for many is why free software at school? And the answer someone would find in a paragraph of a decree dusty rather than a shake of occasions and ethics instead where you should look.

 Considering the school as a PA, even for this there would be compliance with art. 68 CAD (really dusty given the age) which imposes the choice of open source software with the same quality. But if you start talking about the standard there will always be someone to interpret it and to say that to their school the half line of the law does not apply. Or will there be someone else who imbastirà rich relationships and estimates of numbers pulled out of the hat, depending on the convenience that show major savings for a solution rather than another.

 And if this can be done (you can do?) In PA, to no school. Because the school is a sacred place, where they form the new generations and where it should not get the first thing that happens “just because it’s free” (not free care, but free), or “because everyone has one” or ” because teachers are already familiar with this software and refuse to learn a new one. ” The school has the duty to raise people free to be free, informed of technological tools available, without blinkers. People from large are not forced to call the Excel spreadsheet because they knew one program in their lives that manages formulas. People who are not resistant to change (especially of a simple tool) because they would be resistant to innovation in any sector. People should give priority to the collaboration and sharing of individualism.

 People who know a team maybe rediscovering the amount of creativity that free software certainly stimulates. People better than those of a generation ago, that you are left fascinated by the ease of use of proprietary solutions and, a bit ‘as those who consume ready meals, have abandoned the taste experience. In all this I am sure a beacon to follow the agreements of the Ministry of Education (also signed recently) with multinational companies ready to provide free training to teachers on their products. I’m not a good example of the many multimedia CD attached to textbooks that do require a certain operating system or a proprietary program to be read (not only at school but also at home then).

 Are certainly a guiding star that shows the way many universities (all you could link) that “give” Office365 students forcing them to use a space in the cloud often unconsciously. So, to remove all doubt about it, it is important to reiterate that the free software is not free, but free to be used, studied, improved, shared. Not something that someone decided to give it a project to which most people contribute (without charge by volunteers) and that the community can use it freely. What better message to take to school?

© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 1 November 2015

tag: school, pa, digital, software, office, miur


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