Monday, November 23, 2015

Software licenses, the cloud pushes the market disposals – Corcom

 A history of which to take note. Eurofidi , Turin-based company of medium-small size, goes to the cloud to gain in agility and income statement, and bring home a benefit of 50 thousand euro, starting only from email: other opportunities will come later .

 What makes the difference is the sale of surplus software licenses that generates resources for the future, since the European court ruled that the licenses of indefinite duration are the same as a sale, the holders of these licenses have right to sell them.

 Enters the picture ReLicense , a German company active in Italy in the sale of second-hand software licenses, which allowed Eurofidi to monetize his surplus software licenses, obtaining in a simple and immediate new resources for business growth.

 In particular, ReLicense he has bought from Eurofidi a large number of licenses Microsoft in volume, become redundant after migrating to the cloud. The operation brought the company a financial benefit of EUR 50 thousand.

 The opportunity came as a result of the choice of Eurofidi , the operating company of bank guarantees, sureties, sources of corporate financing and strategic partner of the Central Guarantee Fund (CGF) to redesign its IT model, migrating completely to cloud computing. In mid-2016 we will shut down the data center and will be completed the transition from a traditional model of insourcing to a total outsourcing . Specifically, the transition to the cloud email has generated a significant surplus of licenses Office , and others as a result of migration to Microsoft Office 365 .

 “After a first contact with ReLicense – says Claudio Abad, CTO Eurofidi – happened during an event, the condition in which we found led us to ask them advice about the possibility of acquiring software licenses are no longer required. Without the necessary checks, ReLicense has submitted a bid absolutely interesting, we gladly accepted. The process itself was very linear, so that the most difficult part was the internal bureaucracy, since we had never dealt with a sale of licenses. “

  Eurofidi after this first operation has planned additional divestments of software licenses, to be completed once off the datacenter. These will cover software such as Microsoft Exchange Server , Microsoft SharePoint , Microsoft Windows Datacenter Edition , Microsoft Project Server and Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise .

 The sale of software licenses used is already a solid reality in many European countries. In July 2012, a judgment of the European Court of Justice has officially sanctioned the absolute legality, giving a further boost to business for now small, currently concentrated mainly in Europe. The markets where this practice is left are those of Germany and Switzerland, then gradually extend to other European countries, as supported by favorable court rulings, which have equated software licenses to other corporate assets, with the possibility of then enter it in the budget and transfer them to other areas.


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